Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Now Iran Says It Is In The Nuclear Power Business Too - What Excuse Will They Have Next?

The Iranian leadership is having a tremendously difficult time trying to explain away the rather damning IAEA Report which leads almost anyone who knows anything about nuclear power, nuclear science, or nuclear weapons that it has a nuclear weapons program in full swing.
Nevertheless, the level of denial, and attempts to cover it up are very telling indeed, almost a complete admission in fact.
Originally they claimed it was for peaceful power generation, then admitted it was for weapons, then claimed they stopped, then started again and denied it, then came clean on the re-start which never actually stopped, now denies it again.
My only question is which time did they lie? And really does it matter anymore, obviously there is a huge "trust" challenge here, so negotiations are not feasible and the whole "trust but verify" isn't an option here, because they won't allow IAEA full inspections.
Reuters sure had an interesting article hit the international radar screen recently titled; "Iran ready to help Turkey with nuclear plant: aide," by Louis Charbonneau published on November 15, 2011 which stated; "An adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader said on Tuesday that Tehran was willing to share its controversial nuclear technology with neighboring countries, suggesting it could help Turkey build an atomic power plant; "Iran developed a very sophisticated nuclear science and technological capability, which we are quite ready to share with...
neighboring countries and friendly countries in the region.
" Now then, does Iran really have sophisticated nuclear science anymore than any of the other nuclear energy producing nations? No, I wouldn't believe that, further, Turkey can get any nation in the EU, Russia, or the US to help it build and run nuclear power plants, it hardly needs to link itself to Iran's nuclear problems.
Further, Turkey has a lot of Earthquakes, and that could be an issue, and let's not forget Iran's nuclear power plant at Bushehr has had one problem after another with its systems.
Thus, I ask exactly how competent is Iran, additionally many of its nuclear scientists have escaped the country, defected, or mysteriously been eliminated.
Why or how you ask? Well, some claim it is due to Western spies and intelligence agencies, other note that if a nuclear scientist defies the regime, then they would definitely want to make an example of them to keep the other scientists doing their nuclear weapons tech bidding.
See that point.
Still, it is obvious that when we read such things in the Global Media that Iran is just grabbing at straws playing political rhetoric, but the rest of the free-world is un-amused, and moving this conflict of political impasse and bad Iranian behavior to the next level.
Please consider all this and think on it.
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