Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Campaign Yard Sign Frames or Wires

Yard sign frames, or wires, come in two types for political campaigns: H frame and I frame.
Small businesses and real estate agents sometimes will use a sturdier but prohibitively expensive aluminum frame for their outdoor signs.
Each of these frame types has certain advantages and disadvantages for political campaigns.
H Frame This frame is made by two parallel wire connected by a wire going perpendicular in the center creating an H shape.
The H frame only works with corrugated plastic signs.
Corrugated plastic yard signs, also called Coroplast, are fluted plastic signs.
The spokes of the wire fit inside the flutes of the corrugated plastic lawn sign to assemble the sign.
The main benefits and problems with this frame type revolve around the type of sign it frames.
Corrugated plastic is sturdy and weatherproof.
It will last a number of a election cycles with light wear.
While Coroplast campaign signs are most expensive in quantities under 25, it is often difficult to find fold over and plastic bag signs in such a small run.
More generally, corrugated plastic political signs are the most cost effective relative to other sign types in small orders under 250 signs.
Of course, this number can vary depending upon the printer, the time of year, the cost of ink, and other factors.
The frame itself is a thinner gauge than the I frame wires.
These wires can buckle in severe wind but for the most part they are sturdy enough to last a few election cycles without needing to be replaced.
I Frame The I frame, sometimes referred to as the U frame, is used on cardboard yard signs and poly bag signs.
These frames are sturdy and will last quite some time.
After some use, the I frame may need bent back into its original shape so that it will easily stick into the ground.
This frame is made of two parallel metal wires connected by a third wire at the top of the parallel wires.
To assemble a cardboard sign simply fold the cardboard over the frame and staple the paperboard sides to each other over the U shaped wire.
Assembling a political bag sign is different.
Pull the tips of the frame together to make a pie shape, so that it is easy to slip the bag sign over the wire.
Let the wire return to its original shape and the sign is ready to be placed on a private lawn or, depending upon the state or locality, on the public right of way.
Conclusion Ultimately, the pros and cons of a particular frame are secondary to the kind of sign, but understanding a few key facts about these common frame types is something to consider as far as ease of assembly and how frequently the sign frame will need to be replaced.
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