- A president must be present and prepared for meetings.holding glasses businessman image by Brett Mulcahy from Fotolia.com
A president is the highest ranking official of an organization, club, society or university. Presidents reside over parent-teacher associations and other educational organizations. Unions vote for presidents to oversee their operations and agenda. Nonprofit organizations utilize presidents in a board-of-director capacity. Board-of-directors provide information and direction regarding the organization, keeping the overall vision of the organization forefront to all. - A president should be present at all meetings and prepared to lead. She should create an agenda and guide attendees through all aspects of the agenda. She also calls special meetings and makes sure all meetings meet the organization's procedures.
- Each organization has a different government set up. Presidents stay in communication with other officers and if applicable, committee chair members. The president announces any vacancies and approves new committee members. Most organizations also have the president serve in an ex-officio capacity over all committees. Ex-officio membership is someone who is not elected into position, but holds the office because of his influence.
- Presidents oversee annual meetings.meeting room image by Oleg Kulakov from Fotolia.com
Although a secretary handles most communications, a president is responsible for overseeing the annual business meeting and creating the annual report. He will present an annual summary in addition to the report. The president must write a regular presidential update column for any newsletter or similar publication.
Preside over Meetings
Supervise Other Officers
Create Communications