Law & Legal & Attorney: New Leadership For Al-qaeda

New Leadership For Al-qaeda

Battlefield logistics is a much different animal than the logistics required to run a large company or organization. Battlefield logistics has a dynamic which no other type of operation can match.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Gordon Brown Mistake

Gordon Brown Mistake

What ever we may think of Gordon Brown MP he does appear to be a survivor but I think in many ways he reminds me of a captain on a ship that has lost control of its steering, navigation and radar systems and is in fog. There are tricky waters and storms ahead but the Ship continues at full speed.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Soil Testing Instruments

Soil Testing Instruments

Farmers and gardeners use a variety of instruments to test soil.The Farm image by bonjo from Fotolia.comGardeners and farmers must rely on tests to gauge the soil's ability to grow healthy plants. There is no single test for overall soil quality, according to The Natural Resources...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Term Limits Already Exist

Term Limits Already Exist

There is a renewed movement for term limits on members of Congress.This movement is of course fuled by lazy and unmotivated Americans who can't seem to get up and throw the bums out.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Role of Volunteers in a Campaign For Local Office - Part 2

The Role of Volunteers in a Campaign For Local Office - Part 2

Volunteers have helped the candidate prepare and design campaign literature. Now you have boxes of the stuff in the garage. It's time to distribute that campaign literature. This is done in two ways, mailing or lit drops. Mailing requires labels and postage. Lit drops require a whole choir of v

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Conservatism (Now) Is Necessary to Save the American Idea

Why Conservatism (Now) Is Necessary to Save the American Idea

We are seeing a rebirth of the American idea right before our very eyes and it is only possible because over two hundred years ago a few very wise men (our Founding Fathers) had the insight and vision to incorporate into our Constitution the ability to force revolutionary change in our great society

Law & Legal & Attorney: Donating Political Radio Advertising

Donating Political Radio Advertising

Now the difference is this. Rather than the candidate or candidates agency contacting the radio station, the donator can make the purchase.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Before The Primaries - Pledge To Stop The War

Before The Primaries - Pledge To Stop The War

Republicans and Democrats alike have failed us, miserably, for decades... almost my entire life, yet, all I'm hearing this campaign season is how they will divide up more of my earnings to help those less fortunate... and far less productive.Let me be the first conservative to say you can earn

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the First Nations Tribes of the Plains?

What Are the First Nations Tribes of the Plains?

The term "First Nations tribes" refers to the aboriginal Indians of Canada that are neither Inuit nor Metis. According to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, there are currently 615 First Nation communities, comprising around one million, or 4 percent, of the Canadian population (as of 20

Law & Legal & Attorney: Palin Convention Speech Analysis

Palin Convention Speech Analysis

Palin had three separate responsibilities: tell her story, boost McCain, and go on the attack (traditionally, a key VP role). That's a difficult juxtaposition for a single speech.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Critical Need For A Third Major Political Party In America Today

The Critical Need For A Third Major Political Party In America Today

With the Democratic Party stronger than ever, working for change but achieving little and the GOP (Grand Old Party) or Republican Party trying, quite badly, remake itself with a series of sadly miscalculated gaffes and ridiculous choices for issues to run on what would ask where is the sanity? Isn&a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Is Politics Interfering With Your Sex Life?

Is Politics Interfering With Your Sex Life?

It is amazing, but I can't tell you how many couples have probably had their sexual encounters with each other interrupted because their political views are different. I don't know how Madeline and Carvel do it?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Is It Important for U.S. Citizens to Vote?

Why Is It Important for U.S. Citizens to Vote?

The United States operates under a democratic system, where political officials must be voted into office by the public. The voting process allows citizens to take part in the political process and elect officials that they think make sound decisions that will represent the values of the country.

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Fiscal Mess

A Fiscal Mess

Earlier this month, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released its latest report on the economic and budget outlook for this country. The report paints a bleak picture to say the least.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Sarbanes-Oxley Reality Check on Bureaucracy

Sarbanes-Oxley Reality Check on Bureaucracy

There is no doubt in hindsight that Sarbanes Oxley was a mistake as we watch the blob of bureaucracy move into the private sector. There is no doubt that Sarbanes Oxleys real costs have been passed onto the consumer and citizen like a giant tax increase of Boston Tea proportions. Sarbanes Oxley Scou

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Will Health Insurance Cost With Obama's 1 Trillion Dollar Healthcare Plan?

What Will Health Insurance Cost With Obama's 1 Trillion Dollar Healthcare Plan?

President Obama's new healthcare plan is supposed to pay for itself through preventative care and online medical records, but are malpractice lawsuits the real reason health insurance is so expensive? Obama has stated that his plan will pay for itself through efficiency boosting measures like o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do Democrats Really Care About Gas Prices?

Do Democrats Really Care About Gas Prices?

The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill that would increase taxes on oil corporations.Sorry to say that many people will not even realize this. They are the ones who either never knew or forgot the fundamentals of economics.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How Much Could the US Government Save on Ink?

How Much Could the US Government Save on Ink?

Considering that the United States Treasury is firing up the money printing presses again for yet another round of quantitative easing, let's take a step back and consider the cost of all this. We're not talking the pros and cons of inflation and politics, but rather how much will be spent

Law & Legal & Attorney: Obama Promises 'Immediate Impact' For Uninsured Post-Reform

Obama Promises 'Immediate Impact' For Uninsured Post-Reform

Insurance companies hoping for a grace period before they are required to accept policyholders with pre-existing conditions learned that their waiting period had expired before healthcare reform even became law. "Once I sign health insurance reform into law, doctors and patients will have more

Law & Legal & Attorney: Community & Local Government Planning

Community & Local Government Planning

The local planning department works within the political framework to help a community define the legacy left to the next generation. The planners' job is to balance competing interests into a common vision most can share. Once a future vision is in sight, local governments adopt planning goals and