Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Before The Primaries - Pledge To Stop The War

Republicans and Democrats alike have failed us, miserably, for decades...
almost my entire life, yet, all I'm hearing this campaign season is how they will divide up more of my earnings to help those less fortunate...
and far less productive.
Let me be the first conservative to say you can earn my vote by making a pledge to stop the war.
It's very clear we've lost and we need to bring our children home and end the billions in unnecessary expenses.
Now, before my conservative friends start throwing tomatoes, let me tell you I'm not talking about the war on terror or the war in Iraq.
We have good reasons for both, and we're making good progress.
The war, or wars I'm talking about, we've been involved in for decades, account for about 2/3 of our tax dollars, and are accomplishing absolutely nothing.
Yet, our citizens are losing their lives, property and freedoms for these wasted efforts.
The War On Poverty:Since the 60's, we've taken more than 6 Trillion dollars from those who earned it and given it to those who haven't.
We're currently spending more each year for this than our entire defense budget.
Yet, according to the latest Census report, we have as many poor now as we did then.
It's time to admit this war is an expensive failure, end the programs, and return the money to those who earned it.
Those no longer supported are welcome to apply to charities or compete with illegal aliens for the "jobs Americans won't do.
" The War On Drugs:Between the DEA, ATF, INS, Coast Guard, FBI, our military, and our State and local police departments, we've spent hundreds of billions and risked and lost many lives in the 3-4 decades since this war was declared.
It's clear we haven't made a dent in drug abuse nationwide in all that time.
What's more, the war has inflated the prices in drug black market which empowers and funds a frightening growth in gangs, with the accompanying theft and murder.
It's clear we lose thousands of innocent lives each year because of the war on drugs.
Maybe it's time to face the fact we have lost this war, take our brave children out of harm's way, and put the hundreds of billions to more productive uses or return it to those who earned it.
If people want to kill themselves with drugs, let them...
why is this any different than alcohol? The War On Pollution:Not a declared war, but it might as well be.
Now, admittedly, rivers aren't catching on fire any more and the terrible smog we saw in the 60's is greatly reduced.
The reason we need to end this war is because of the great cost in our lives, dollars, economic productivity and freedoms, all to satisfy increasingly absurd claims by environmentalists.
Now, they're calling what humans and other animals exhale and all plants and algae need to survive, CO2, a pollutant...
give me a break.
It's already been proven that auto mileage standards are killing hundreds, if not thousands of people each year...
all because some scientists imagine that we're causing global warming.
Industry has been forced to undergo expensive retrofits to eliminate the use of natural gases that have never been proven harmful.
Now, in my County, the government has seized thousands of acres because someone has convinced a judge that 6 weeds are endangered.
Everyone who builds a house or other building, here, has to pay money so they can seize more land.
The Lake Tahoe fire this year destroyed hundreds of homes and thousands of acres of natural habitat, largely because environmentalists prevented homeowners and the Forest Service from adopting proven fire prevention efforts.
Sure, we need to prosecute every toxic spill or dumping...
every company or person who harms another, but only when it's proven someone is harmed.
Until then, it's absurd to eliminate our freedoms, regulate our business, spend our money and risk our lives based on someone's opinion, no matter how many degrees he has.
Whether you're a Democrat, Republican or whatever, if you pledge to end these 3 wars, save the thousands of lives senselessly lost each year, and reduce our taxes so we can have our earnings back, you will have my vote and my efforts to help you get elected.
Hey, if you guys do that, I'll be able to pay for my own health care.
I'll vote for any politician with the courage to pledge to end any one of the three wars I've listed.
If you're not willing to do at least that, what are you running for?
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