- All 55 Democrats in the senate voted "Yes" on the recovery package. The late Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts had voted in favor of the measure when it stood at $838 billion, but passed away from brain cancer before the historic final vote. Five hours after his colleagues voted, Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio cast the crucial 60th vote when he returned to the Capitol after attending his mother's memorial service.
- Three Republicans voted "Yes" on the stimulus bill. Senators Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania went against party lines to side with the Democrats in passing Obama's economic stimulus package. The rest of the Republicans in the Senate voted uniformly against it, including Republican Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, who had abstained from the previous vote while considering President Obama's offer of the position of Commerce Secretary -- which he declined in the interim.
- Independent Senators Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut both voted "Yes" on the stimulus bill.