A close study of political landscape today on the approach of politicians to politics convey that a lot still needs to be done to enable us have elections which are free and fair, as referred by sections 15 to 18 of the 1999 constitution of Nigeria.
The major setback on our elections has been a direct effect of corruption in the land, which has transformed into full fledged poverty in the society.
A poor illiterate citizen is myopic as regards his future; he would rather be contented with Twenty naira bribes from politicians in order to cater for his immediate needs.
His belief is of the fact that ''I rather take what I can take now since nobody remembers me tomorrow'' Section 16(2)(d) of 1999 constitution enjoins the state to ensure that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of disabled are provided for all citizens.
In a situation where all these are not in place as we currently have in Nigeria, elections are far from being free and fair.
Since elections are virtually free and fair, disputes are common aftermath.
It is therefore imperative in all intents that aggrieved parties should not take laws into their hands, as the 1999 constitution section 285 provides that an established one or more election tribunals, which shall to the exclusions of any count or tribunal, have original jurisdiction to hear and determine petitions.
Its subsection 5 indicates the establishment of the state election tribunal to be known as the governorship and legislative house election tribunal which should have the original jurisdiction to hear the petitions as to whether any person has been validly elected to the office of the governor or as a member of any legislative house.
I will agree that election petition tribunals have been impressive.
To be factual about it some of their actions have been so unprecedented with a lot of disappointments to many people.
This has indeed restored hope in our judicial system.
I will however recommend that they should work more on fair hearing and justice in a more timely fashion because the popular saying; justice delayed is justice denied seems to be an important watchword for effective judicial system.
The major setback on our elections has been a direct effect of corruption in the land, which has transformed into full fledged poverty in the society.
A poor illiterate citizen is myopic as regards his future; he would rather be contented with Twenty naira bribes from politicians in order to cater for his immediate needs.
His belief is of the fact that ''I rather take what I can take now since nobody remembers me tomorrow'' Section 16(2)(d) of 1999 constitution enjoins the state to ensure that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of disabled are provided for all citizens.
In a situation where all these are not in place as we currently have in Nigeria, elections are far from being free and fair.
Since elections are virtually free and fair, disputes are common aftermath.
It is therefore imperative in all intents that aggrieved parties should not take laws into their hands, as the 1999 constitution section 285 provides that an established one or more election tribunals, which shall to the exclusions of any count or tribunal, have original jurisdiction to hear and determine petitions.
Its subsection 5 indicates the establishment of the state election tribunal to be known as the governorship and legislative house election tribunal which should have the original jurisdiction to hear the petitions as to whether any person has been validly elected to the office of the governor or as a member of any legislative house.
I will agree that election petition tribunals have been impressive.
To be factual about it some of their actions have been so unprecedented with a lot of disappointments to many people.
This has indeed restored hope in our judicial system.
I will however recommend that they should work more on fair hearing and justice in a more timely fashion because the popular saying; justice delayed is justice denied seems to be an important watchword for effective judicial system.