Home & Garden: How to Prune a Cedar Tree

How to Prune a Cedar Tree

Cedar trees must be pruned with care and a certain amount of restraint. Cedar tress produce new growth only from last year's growth, so if too much is trimmed it is possible to prevent any new growth and kill the tree. Cedar trees should be pruned only prior to the summer months. Once the buds for n

Home & Garden: How to Use Birdhouses

How to Use Birdhouses

Birdhouses are a great tool for bird-watchers. You can use birdhouses to attract different native species. These birds will find the house, build a nest in it and breed. The trick to using birdhouses is finding which species are native to your area and placing the birdhouse in a location most desire

Home & Garden: How to Grow a Blackthorn Tree

How to Grow a Blackthorn Tree

Native to the British Isles, blackthorn trees (Prunus spinosa) are small, vase-shaped, and are covered with showy white flowers in the spring. Also known as buckthorns and sloe plums, blackthorns have naturalized throughout most of New England and the Pacific Northwest. They're hardy in U.S. Departm

Home & Garden: How to Plant a Queen Flower Tree

How to Plant a Queen Flower Tree

The queens crape-myrtle (Lagerstroemia speciosa), also referred to as the queens flower, giant crape-myrtle, banaba plant and pride of India, is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to southern Asia. Queens crape-myrtles have a stunning inflorescence in midsummer; numerous pink to lavender flowers a

Home & Garden: Easy Orchid Care Secrets

Easy Orchid Care Secrets

Orchids are the largest family of flowers in the world, and arguably one of the most popular. They are used in fragrances and in cooking. However, while orchids are resilient plants, they are often finicky and require tender care. Forgetting to water it occasionally will not kill it, but constant ne

Home & Garden: How to Garden Gladiolus

How to Garden Gladiolus

Gladiolus plants are easy to grow and bring an array of colors to the garden. These striking, spiked flowering plants are grown from corms -- short, vertical underground plant stems -- rather than bulbs. Gladiolus thrives in full sunlight and moist soil with good drainage; in the right conditions, i

Home & Garden: Spots on Bell Pepper Plants

Spots on Bell Pepper Plants

Bell peppers are a sweet variety of pepper. The vegetables are consumed both in green and ripe stages and come in red, yellow and green colors. A bacterium causes spots on pepper plants.

Home & Garden: When to Trim a Scotch Broom Plant

When to Trim a Scotch Broom Plant

Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius, also known as Scots broom, is an attractive but invasive plant. Because Scotch broom exhibits spreading growth, it's often classified as a weed, but many gardeners find it to be an attractive addition to their outdoor spaces. Keep your Scotch broom plant trimmed regu

Home & Garden: How Fast Do Willow Trees Grow?

How Fast Do Willow Trees Grow?

Willow trees are prized for their graceful form and fast growth rate. Their place in the landscape is limited due to their size and susceptibility to wind damage.

Home & Garden: Should I Prune a Clematis?

Should I Prune a Clematis?

Most clematis varieties are straightforward to prune. Clematises fall into three main groups and pruning requirements will depend on when they flower. Those that flower in the winter and spring do not need routine pruning. Summer flowering clematises need a little pruning to remove the end of the sh

Home & Garden: Snowy Tree Cricket Facts

Snowy Tree Cricket Facts

The snowy tree cricket is an insect species native to North America. They are particularly well known for the song they produce. They are omnivorous insects. Adult snowy tree crickets feed on aphids and caterpillars, while the nymphs, which reach maturity by midsummer, eat flowers, foliage and young

Home & Garden: Pesticides for Killing Mosquitoes

Pesticides for Killing Mosquitoes

Mosquito control is often undertaken by local governments to reduce instances of mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile Virus. Certain areas that suffer large mosquito populations may be sprayed, or sprays may be broadcast over entire towns. The pesticides used in these sprays are extensively te

Home & Garden: Plants for Indoor Water Features

Plants for Indoor Water Features

Water lilies are the quintessential flowering water plant.tropical water garden image by green308 from Fotolia.comAdding plants to an indoor water feature is an easy and economical way to keep water clean and fresh. Many exotic plants used in water gardens are also considered invasive and...

Home & Garden: How to Print Fine Art

How to Print Fine Art

Modern inkjet printing technology has made quality reproduction of fine art simple and affordable for those who want to produce limited quantities of prints on an "as needed" basis. Innovative Giclee (pronounced "zhee-klay") printing ensures precise detail and color permanence through the use of hig

Home & Garden: What Are the 10 Different Types of Soil?

What Are the 10 Different Types of Soil?

Soil is essential to growing any type of plant, as it keeps the plants and their roots stable while supplying nutrients to them. There are 10 specific soil types, though some have similarities to others. The soil type will determine how well your plants grow for your environment; some plants will no

Home & Garden: Life Cycle of Late Blight on Potatoes

Life Cycle of Late Blight on Potatoes

The potato late blight is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. The disease affects both potato and tomato plants and is one of the most severe diseases that can lead to significant losses in either crop. The ease with which the pathogen spreads makes it easy for the late bl

Home & Garden: Ladybugs on Blue Hydrangeas

Ladybugs on Blue Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are ornamental plants grown for their large flower heads. Ladybugs are small beetles that feed on other insects. When ladybugs are found on blue hydrangeas, they may be resting on their travels or feasting on plant pests.

Home & Garden: How to Landscape an Outside Trellis

How to Landscape an Outside Trellis

A trellis can be used to create a fruit- or vegetable-covered focal point in your backyard. During the off-season, plant creeping vines that produce colorful flowers. Hang lights and wind chimes on the trellis for added design elements to enjoy even on the coolest nights.

Home & Garden: Potted Sunflower Care

Potted Sunflower Care

Nearly 3,000 years ago, Native Americans domesticated the sunflower for food production. Now, it is still sometimes used for food, but it also used for oil production and ornamental purposes. These flowers are large, bright yellow, thick-stalked structures. Their large, disklike flowers attract butt