Home & Garden: Host Plants for the Butterfly

Host Plants for the Butterfly

Attract butterflies to your garden by growing host plants.feeding butterflies image by Penny Williams from Fotolia.comMost types of caterpillars prefer particular types of plants and you can invite butterflies to your garden by growing these plants. A female butterfly usually lays eggs on...

Home & Garden: How to Move Large Planters

How to Move Large Planters

Container gardening with planters is one way to grow ornamental plants and vegetables in a small space. Often large planters are necessary to accommodate the root systems of larger plants. Sometimes it is necessary to move large planters when cleaning or moving the plant to more direct sunlight. Ful

Home & Garden: How to Nurture a White Mericlone Orchid

How to Nurture a White Mericlone Orchid

A mericlone orchid originates from vegetative propagation. Breeders produce mericlone orchids by taking a tissue specimen from an orchid plant, chopping the tissue into small pieces and then growing the pieces in flasks in carefully controlled environments. Each piece gives rise to a mericlone plant

Home & Garden: Hydroponic Techniques

Hydroponic Techniques

Hydroponics is the method of growing plants in a liquid medium void of any soil. All nutrient requirements for the plants are provided by the liquid. Great strides have taken place in hydroponics, allowing you to grow many plants in a small area. While there are many different approaches to hydropon

Home & Garden: Thuja Nigra Trees

Thuja Nigra Trees

Thuja occidentalis Nigra is a cultivar, one of several in the Cupressaceae or Cypress Family. Thuja is Greek for juniper and occidentalis means western to denote its Western Hemisphere origins. Thuja occidentalis is an umbrella term for evergreen trees and shrubs including Eastern...

Home & Garden: Xeriscaping With Daylilies

Xeriscaping With Daylilies

Daylilies tolerate poor soil and dry conditions, making them a good choice for xeriscaping--that is, a good choice for dry climates. Xeriscaping is a landscaping method developed especially for arid and semiarid climates; it utilizes water-conserving techniques such as the use of drought-tolerant pl

Home & Garden: Do Outdoor Hydrangeas Keep Their Leaves All Year?

Do Outdoor Hydrangeas Keep Their Leaves All Year?

Hydrangeas are flowering shrubs that produce showy flowers in white, pink or blue every summer. Some of these plants keep their leaves throughout the year, depending on species as well as location.

Home & Garden: How to Control Beach Erosion

How to Control Beach Erosion

Coastal erosion, also called beach evolution, consists of the wearing away of land or beach by wave action, wave currents, tidal currents or drainage. Erosion may cause permanent loss of sediment and rocks, or it may redistribute sediments. Softer, sandier areas erode more quickly than harder ones s

Home & Garden: How to Force a Wysteria to Bloom

How to Force a Wysteria to Bloom

Wisteria looks delicate and ethereal with its trailing sprays of pastel-colored blooms dangling gracefully from curling vines. It encourages us to be ever so gentle and kind to it. In reality, it loves stress, drought and even injury. It grows so quickly that you'll need to be ever vigilant, but the

Home & Garden: Palm Reactions to Hurricanes

Palm Reactions to Hurricanes

On the whole, palm trees have evolved to become fairly resistant to the effects of hurricanes. As with any tree, shorter plants are less prone to damage than taller ones, though other factors remain to be considered.

Home & Garden: How to Care for Rose Abelia Shrubs

How to Care for Rose Abelia Shrubs

Care for rose abelia bushes to cultivate beautiful long-stemmed white and light pink roses that begin to flower in late spring and continue through late fall. Once the abelia bush is mature, caring for it does not require a lot of time, dedication or effort. The abelia is a rounded bush that is 4 to

Home & Garden: List of Yellow Herbicides

List of Yellow Herbicides

Pesticides help control weeds to maximize crop yield.working farm image by Jorge Moro from Fotolia.comHerbicides are chemically designed to kill off unwanted weeds that may harm agricultural crops or consume their resources. While some non-selective herbicides kill all plant life, more...

Home & Garden: How to Gather Perennial Primrose Seeds

How to Gather Perennial Primrose Seeds

Perennial primroses come in a range of varieties and colors. They produce small, dainty flowers nestled amongst deep green foliage. Once the flowers begin to fade, the primrose begins producing seeds. While the primrose readily self-seeds itself, you can collect the seeds so that you have control ov

Home & Garden: Dogwood Tree Size

Dogwood Tree Size

Delicate-looking dogwood trees add interest to landscapes year-round. In spring, dogwoods develop what appear to be showy, creamy-white, pink or red flowers, but these are actually bracts, or modified leaves. The bracts surround the real flowers, which are small, greenish-yellow structures that bloo

Home & Garden: List of Top Landscaping Perennials

List of Top Landscaping Perennials

Perennials fulfill a variety of landscaping needs. They make excellent border plants and, when combined with long-blooming annuals, they can create year-round color and flower variation in the garden. Perennials can also be used in containers to accentuate the landscape of a yard or lawn. Before you

Home & Garden: Order One of these Tree and Shrub Catalogs for Your Next Planting

Order One of these Tree and Shrub Catalogs for Your Next Planting

Why should you order from a catalog instead of just heading over to your local nursery? Selection. Many nurseries are only able to stock a certain number of varieties of trees and shrubs due to the cost of retail space. Tree and shrub catalogs open a whole new world of choices.

Home & Garden: How to Grow Rabbit Foot Ferns Upside Down

How to Grow Rabbit Foot Ferns Upside Down

Whether you want to save space by hanging plants or you just want your garden to have a different touch, upside-down gardening works for many plant varieties, including rabbit's foot ferns. These ferns produce fuzzy, white rhizomes that resemble a furry rabbit's foot. Rabbit's foot fern, or Davallia

Home & Garden: How to Grow Broad Beans in Soil Pots

How to Grow Broad Beans in Soil Pots

Another common name for broad beans (Vicia faba) is fava beans. They grow best in cool temperatures and will not set pods in warm weather. Broad beans can tolerate temperatures as cool as 40 degrees Fahrenheit and as warm as 75 degrees. The broad bean is a bushy, hardy summer annual in cool climates

Home & Garden: Weed & Grass Control With Watermelon

Weed & Grass Control With Watermelon

What is considered a weed in one geographic location may be a prized wildflower in another area. For gardeners and growers around the world constantly looking for ways to control the number one garden pest, a weed is simply any plant that crowds out cultivated ones. Left untended, weeds and grass ca

Home & Garden: Fragrant Flower Seeds

Fragrant Flower Seeds

Magnolias are a fragrant flower.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesWalking through a flower garden while enveloped in the aroma of fragrant flowers is an appealing thought to many gardeners. When growing flowers from seed, the fragrance may serve as a rewarding reminder of the hard work...