- 1). Start seeds indoors in peat pots six weeks before planting them outdoors. Peat pots can be planted in larger containers filled with soil and compost and the peat itself will biodegrade, nourishing the plants. Peat pots give seedlings an advantage because they reduce root shock during transplanting. Plant one bean seed per pot, place them in bright, indirect sunlight and keep the pots moist.
- 2). Choose pots that are at least 8 to 10 inches in diameter for transplanting your seedlings. You will need multiple containers for a good crop. If you've never grown broad beans before, start with just one or two plants the first season.
- 3). Fill the pot with either a 50-50 mix of potting soil and compost or just plain compost. Beans are light feeders but they love a rich soil.
- 4). Plant two seeds per pot. Sow them 1 inch deep and 4 to 5 inches apart. When seedlings appear, thin them and discard the smaller one.
- 5). Keep the seedling's soil moist until it is established, after which you should water the plant just before the soil dries out. Take care not to over-water the bean plant.
- 6). Pinch back the top of the plant when the first pods begin to form. Remove the top of the plant with two leaves attached. This will produce a higher and more uniform yield.
- 7). Stake plants as they grow since they can get quite heavy and could easily topple over. Stick a metal or a wooden stake in the pot and secure the stem to the stake with pieces of string.
- 8). Pick the beans when pods appear plump, starting from the bottom of the plant.