- Adulticides are pesticides used to kill adult mosquitoes. They may consist of pyrethrins, pyrethroids or resmethrin. Pyrethrins are derived from flowers in the chrysanthemum family such as daisies, and are effective at killing many insects, including mosquitoes. Pyrethroids are synthetic man-made chemical compounds that contain a variety of chemicals. They inhibit the function of the insect's central nervous system. Resmethrin is one member of the pyrethroid family and is considered safe for use on livestock and inside the home. Adulticides are administered through spraying or fogging an area.
- Larvacides attack the larval stage of the mosquito, which takes place in the water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still, often stagnate water. The eggs hatch, and the larvae rely on tubes that they poke out of the water to breathe oxygen. For this reason, monomolecular films or oils are used to film over the surface of the water and suffocate the larvae. Other larvacides include methoprene, which interferes with the mosquito's growth-regulating hormone, and microbial larvacides, which use the bacillus bacteria to kill the larvae. All have low toxicity to mammals when used appropriately, according to the website Fight the Bite.
- Pesticide synergists aid in the spread and effectiveness of applied pesticides, but used alone are harmless to mosquitoes. A common synergist is piperonyl butoxide, which keeps the insect from being able to break down the given pesticide before it has a chance to be effective.
- You can aid in non-chemical mosquito control by eliminating standing water around your home and yard. It's a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so dumping out rain barrels and keeping pet and livestock bowls and water tanks full of clean, fresh water are important to eliminating mosquito habitats. Poor drainage may also contribute to standing water in your yard. Keep rain gutters clear so they do not trap water. Treat pools to eliminate mosquito larvae.
Non-Chemical Control