Home & Garden: Tornadoes in Denver, CO

Tornadoes in Denver, CO

In 2011, Colorado is ranked ninth in the country for tornado frequency, with an average of 60 tornadoes touching down each year during 1999 to 2009. However, only two or three fatalities have occurred in Colorado since the mid-1960s. In Denver, the state's capitol, the largest tornado was an F-3 tha

Home & Garden: How to Kill Large Overgrown Pampas Grass

How to Kill Large Overgrown Pampas Grass

The ornamental pampas grass grows in clumps and is a common specimen in home landscapes. Unfortunately, the grass grows quite tall and the clumps expand outward as they develop new roots. If you have a large clump of pampas grass that has overtaken your landscape, killing it will take some time. Bec

Home & Garden: How to Build a Backyard BBQ Pit

How to Build a Backyard BBQ Pit

A backyard barbecue pit is a feature that can be enjoyed all year long, especially during the warmer months, as the focal point of barbecues and get-togethers. Despite what some may think, a backyard barbecue pit is quite an easy project. When choosing the location for your pit, it's important to ke

Home & Garden: How to Construct Cement Walkways

How to Construct Cement Walkways

With a little planning and an afternoon of labor, you can construct cement walkways in your yard. Cement walkways are easy to maintain, sturdy and inexpensive. When working with cement, wait for a clear, temperate day; extreme hot or cold temperatures can cause your new walkway to crack. If rain is

Home & Garden: How to Build a Metal Fire Bowl

How to Build a Metal Fire Bowl

One of the best ways to extend a living space outdoors is to add the warmth of fire, say the expert designers at HGTV. Even during the summer, a fire bowl can help extend cookouts into the cool evening hours. For many do-it-yourself homeowners, fabricating a metal fire bowl is a great alternative to

Home & Garden: My Life Outdoors - My Decades of Patio Furniture

My Life Outdoors - My Decades of Patio Furniture

My first apartment was on the second-floor of a two-family home. By student apartment standards, this place was exceptional-it had hardwood floors and rich stained trim, a walk-in pantry, and a porch on the front of the house. Our furnishings were a collection of castoffs from my roommate's fam

Home & Garden: What Keeps Peaches from Ripening on the Tree?

What Keeps Peaches from Ripening on the Tree?

Peaches that fail to ripen are disheartening, especially since the grower invested valuable time and money on the tree's establishment and care. Peaches fail to ripen for a variety of reasons, including improper cultural practices, disease and insects. Identify the problem and rectify immediately so

Home & Garden: How to Dry & Preserve Sea Grass

How to Dry & Preserve Sea Grass

When you harvest, dry and preserve sea grasses, you can bring the rustle of the sea coast into your home. These grasses look attractive in a variety of settings. A garland made of dried grasses gives an autumn harvest look to the home, office or table. Dried sea grass is not only used for decoratio

Home & Garden: How to Build Dams With Rock & Soil

How to Build Dams With Rock & Soil

Building your own dam out of soil and rock can be a great way to increase the value of your property by creating a pond. It is necessary to know the correct way to use soil and rock together to construct a dam that will be safe and last. The soil should be sampled and analyzed to determine whether i

Home & Garden: How to Mulch a Garden

How to Mulch a Garden

1Grass clippings and straw work great in vegetable gardens because they break down quickly. Leaves and pine needles break down a bit more slowly and are better used in ornamental beds. Wood chips and bark work well in pathways and ornamental beds because they take a long time to decompose...

Home & Garden: Border Ideas for Trees

Border Ideas for Trees

Adding borders around the trees gives your yard a cleaner look and makes it easier to mow surrounding grass. Whether you use mulch, stones or bricks, a border establishes a barrier to protect shallow tree roots from the mower. Without a border, wayward grass can reduce the moisture and nutrients ava

Home & Garden: DIY Home Theater Speaker Stands

DIY Home Theater Speaker Stands

Home theater speakers are at their best when they are adjusted to the proper height. Many speakers are designed to be wall mounted to make installation easier. Unfortunately, this may not be the best option if your TV room is extremely large or the walls do not provide usable angles and surfaces. Th

Home & Garden: Manure Vs. Compost

Manure Vs. Compost

Manure and compost are prominent ingredients in organic farming and gardening. Understanding the differences and synergies between them is important to ensure that both are used effectively.

Home & Garden: How To Patio Design On A Tight Budget

How To Patio Design On A Tight Budget

If, like me, you love to entertain, dine, cook, relax and just live in your own outdoor living area during the warm seasons, you have probably pored over all the magazines that display the wide range of gorgeous options available, creased the corners of pages and made plans in your head for the drea

Home & Garden: How to Grow Dracaena Cinnabari From Seed

How to Grow Dracaena Cinnabari From Seed

Dracaena cinnabari is a native tree of the tropical island of Socotra and surrounding archipelago in the Indian Ocean. When looking at this tree, it resembles an upside-down umbrella. It is an evergreen, with dark red resin, called dragon’s blood. This tree can reach heights of 15 to 20 feet

Home & Garden: Brick Wall Ideas For Landscaping

Brick Wall Ideas For Landscaping

If you are looping for some great brick wall ideas for landscaping, why not visit your local home improvement store? They usually offer a full range of books on all major home improvement topics. These books will have lots of full color photos and designs that will gave you endless ideas for using b

Home & Garden: How to Trim Bamboo Stalks

How to Trim Bamboo Stalks

Bamboo is a tall, upright plant grown indoors to decorate the home, grown outdoors as a hedge plant or cut to make furniture and wood trim. Since bamboo can grow up to 2 inches an hour, canes may quickly grow too large for some homes. Pruning bamboo once a year in cold temperatures helps maintain an

Home & Garden: How to Mount a PVC Pipe on a Truss

How to Mount a PVC Pipe on a Truss

Mounting a PVC pipe on a roof truss will allow you to drain water and vent out your sewer pipes. The roof truss is the triangular wooden structure that connects your roof to your house. Many times, you must cut through your roof truss to insert your PVC drain pipes through your truss, to allow it to

Home & Garden: Growing Lettuce in Southern California

Growing Lettuce in Southern California

Growing your own lettuce can be a rewarding and money-saving experience. In Southern California, this leafy vegetable is ideally grown when daytime temperatures are about 73 degrees Fahrenheit and when nighttime temperatures are around 45 degrees F. Growing lettuce in weather that's too hot or too c