- 1). Allow the winter ryegrass to die as temperatures begin to warm. The Bermuda grass root system begins to come out of dormancy when the temperature reaches approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime. This could be as early as February or March.
- 2). Rake the lawn to remove excess dead rye grass. Do not rake down to the soil surface. Leave a thin layer, approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch, of dried grass. This material, called thatch, decomposes and adds nutrients to the soil over time.
- 3). Add fertilizer to the lawn no later than mid-April. During February and March you should see the Bermuda grass sprouting. Apply a high-nitrogen fertilizer to the lawn. Select a slow-release fertilizer to avoid burning the emerging grass.
- 4). Add a preemergent herbicide if desired. These products are a preventative measure, destroying dormant weeds before they emerge.
- 5). Water the lawn deeply every five to seven days. Water early in the morning and water to a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. If the grass is still wet by late morning, cut back on the amount of water.
- 6). Increase watering frequency to every three to five days when temperatures reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit only if the lawn appears to be dying back.
- 7). Mow the Bermuda grass when it reaches a height of approximately 2 inches. Set your mower blades to cut the grass to a 1- to 1 1/2-inch height. The soil surface may be somewhat exposed at this first cutting, but this encourages further growth. The grass fills in quickly as the temperatures rise.
- 8). Set the mower blade to allow for a 2-inch height when the temperatures reach over 80 degrees. Mow the lawn once every seven to 10 days.
- 9). Apply a postemergent herbicide to weeds if necessary. Apply the herbicide early in the morning as the intense sunlight and high temperatures aid the herbicidal process.
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Check the level of thatch in the lawn in early October. Use a trowel to remove a small portion of soil and lawn. If the layer of dried grasses and lawn debris is thicker than 2 inches, dethatch your lawn. Do this by simply raking the grass and removing the top layer of thatch. - 11
Stop mowing the lawn in October. Overseed with rye grass and allow the Bermuda grass to go dormant.