Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Engrave Tile

How to Engrave Tile

When tiling a bathroom or kitchen, adding an engraved tile can add a special touch. Engraved tiles can commemorate an event or just add a touch of decoration unique to the person doing the engraving. Many decorators encourage a single embellishment to tastefully add a bit of spontaneity to a project

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Alternatives to the Fisher Pen

Alternatives to the Fisher Pen

In the 1950s, a manufacturer named Paul Fisher invented a nitrogen-pressurized ballpoint ink cartridge that did not rely on gravity to flow. The pen could write in freezing cold climates, burning hot deserts and even underwater, though it became most famous for its use in anti-gravity conditions ---

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is Sy-Bondeze Magnet Wire?

What Is Sy-Bondeze Magnet Wire?

Sy-Bondeze wire is an insulated magnet wire. It is covered with layers of insulative materials with a bondable topcoat. It is used to make custom coils for electronics applications.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Glass Jar Electrical Light

How to Make a Glass Jar Electrical Light

Whimsical and quirky lamps can be crafted from almost anything. Making a canning jar electrical light provides an opportunity to accessorize any living space in your home. The jar can be filled with a collection of items that match your room's theme. Canning jar lamp kits are available to fit any si

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make an Electromagnet With a Battery and Copper Wire

How to Make an Electromagnet With a Battery and Copper Wire

When an electrical current flows through a conducting wire, a magnetic field circulates around the wire. Coiling the wire doubles up the field, orienting the field lines in the same direction. You can intensify this magnetic field further by inserting a magnetizable object inside the coil. The wire'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Much Space for a Bat House?

How Much Space for a Bat House?

Bats are an important element in the ecosystem, helping keep a balance with nature. As a benefit of having bats, you'll find fewer pests in your yard and garden areas. In eliminating pests, such as mosquitoes, bats are one of humanity's finest allies. If you decide to put up a bat house, you can bui

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Rivet Your Chain

How to Rivet Your Chain

Properly riveting a chain is a challenging task, but if you perform the task very carefully, it is manageable. You should perform the task under the supervision of a trained technician until you're comfortable performing it yourself. You may also consider watching a trained technician perform the ta

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Identify Gold Dust

How to Identify Gold Dust

Gold-bearing veins may be eroded by a river, causing gold dust to enter the water and wash up on its banks. People use flat pans to collect the silty deposits from a river and analyze them for gold dust. According to the Gold Fever Prospecting website, between 95 and 98 percent of the world's native

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Rare Animals & Plants on the Island of Galapagos

Rare Animals & Plants on the Island of Galapagos

A marine iguana found only on the Galapagos Islands.Meerechse auf Galapagos image by KatrinW from Fotolia.comThe Galapagos Islands remain a habitat for a number of rare and endangered animals and plants. Some plants and animals have evolved exclusively for the particular location and...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Build a Canoe From a Tree

How to Build a Canoe From a Tree

Humans have built canoes for as long as civilization has existed. Their designs have varied as the building materials at hand and technology known have changed. Modern canoes use all sorts of new materials, but the basic design and shape almost always remains the same. Canoes remain easy to build b

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Path-Based Tree Searching Methods

Path-Based Tree Searching Methods

Path-based tree searching is one method of finding information within a file structure or online. Tree searching methods check each node and path of a directory structure for the desired file or search term. The path based tree searching method is done using in a logical method like alphabetical or

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Repair a Pellet Pistol

How to Repair a Pellet Pistol

A pellet pistol relies on a spring to propel the pellet through the barrel and on to the target. The spring inside of the firing chamber can stretch out from repeated firing and cease to provide the same amount of force as it did when the pellet pistol was first purchased. You can repair the spring

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Do Emperor Penguins Defend Themselves?

How Do Emperor Penguins Defend Themselves?

Emperor penguins can be found living in their natural habitat in Antarctica. In winter, temperatures can plummet to minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit with wind chill. The emperor penguin is the largest of all penguin species, reaching a height of around 45 inches and a maximum weight of approximately 88 p

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Duck Tape Bow

How to Make a Duck Tape Bow

Duct tape has been used to make anything from prom dresses and tuxedos to a wallet that can be as basic or as elaborate as needed. Duct tape comes in a variety of different colors, only limiting what you can create by how far you can stretch your imagination. If you are running low on decorative bow

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Solar Thermal Plants

Solar Thermal Plants

Solar thermal plants concentrate and carry heat.Frank Chmura/Photodisc/Getty ImagesSolar thermal plants are designed to harness the heat of the sun and use it directly. Electrical power plants use photovoltaic cells to convert the sun's energy directly into electricity. Thermal plants...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Pandora Radio Technology

Pandora Radio Technology

Pandora Internet Radio uses a unique musical analysis technology to allow users to create “channels” of similar songs and artists. This advanced analysis allows the system to make recommendations based on more than just similar styles or shared popularity, instead focusing on the actual

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Earliest Fabric Making Machines

The Earliest Fabric Making Machines

Archaeological evidence indicates that fabric has been woven from fibers such as linen, cotton and wool for at least 9,000 years. With the end of the last Ice Age and the development of agricultural society, people across the globe sought alternatives to fur clothing. Perhaps taking inspiration from

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: What Is Phytoplankton in the Ocean?

What Is Phytoplankton in the Ocean?

Phytoplankton is a blanket term for many different types of tiny plant-based organisms that live in the ocean, although some also live in fresh water areas. These organisms are an important part of biodiversity in the ocean, because they act as food for many other species.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Install a Mod Chip in a GameCube

How to Install a Mod Chip in a GameCube

A Nintendo GameCube mod chip allows gamers to make copies of their GameCube games. Installing a modification chip requires you to disassemble your GameCube and solder the mod chip into your console. Mod chips are valuable because they allow gamers to make copies of their favorite games, so they can

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Do Music Instrument Crafts With Boxes

How to Do Music Instrument Crafts With Boxes

The benefits of music in children can be substantial. Music can promote socialization, focus and bring on calmer moods. In order to bring music into your child's life, you don't have to go out and buy multiple instruments. Various musical instruments can be made at home fairly easily. Making instrum