Health & Medical: Uses of Castor Oil for Personal Care

Uses of Castor Oil for Personal Care

Castor oil is produced by pressing the ripe seeds from castor beans that have had their outer covering removed. The oil is referred to as ricinus oil or castor oil. The oil has a faint odor and slightly acrid taste. Castor oil has been used in medicinal remedies for centuries, and you can use castor

Health & Medical: How to Cancel an Anytime Fitness Membership

How to Cancel an Anytime Fitness Membership

Anytime Fitness is an international 24-hour gym that provides weight training and cardio equipment, personal trainers and tanning facilities. Members sign a contract-like membership agreement when signing up for this gym. This agreement outlines the cancellation policy specific to the Anytime Fitnes

Health & Medical: Technical Duties of a Hospital

Technical Duties of a Hospital

A hospital must perform its technical duties successfully to run smoothly.Hospital image by Raulmah?3n from Fotolia.comA hospital has many important technical duties. These responsibilities exist outside of the realms of healing the sick and patching up the wounded. To meet these...

Health & Medical: Acid Alkaline Balanced Diet

Acid Alkaline Balanced Diet

Proponents of the Acid Alkaline Balanced Diet suggest eating enough alkaline foods to balance out consumption of acidic foods in order to maintain a proper pH balance in the body. It is recommended that 50 to 80 percent of total dietary calories come from alkalizing foods with the remainder coming f

Health & Medical: What Is in Black & Milds?

What Is in Black & Milds?

Black and Mild's are shaped like cigarillos and come in seven different varieties. They were created by the John Middleton Company in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and were developed to spread the use of pipe tobacco for people who had no time or experience smoking a pipe.

Health & Medical: Deep Tissue Gum Cleaning

Deep Tissue Gum Cleaning

A deep tissue gum cleaning is effective in the treatment against periodontal disease. While brushing the teeth is important for proper dental health, the gums are often treated inconsistently, leading to tooth loss or gum disease. By maintaining a regular schedule of deep tissue cleaning, teeth and

Health & Medical: Carbohydrate Specific Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Carbohydrate Specific Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Although it is not a condition that is commonly accepted by most medical practitioners, leaky gut syndrome is nonetheless a disease from which many people claim to suffer. Leaky gut syndrome is purportedly a condition that affects the intestinal lining whereby unwanted substances such as toxins "le

Health & Medical: How to Make an Exfoliator With Almond Oil

How to Make an Exfoliator With Almond Oil

Exfoliation is key to maintaining youthful, healthy skin, as the practice sloughs off dead skin cells that cause skin to look uneven, rough and blotchy. Rather than spending money on expensive scrubs that may contain chemical ingredients, make your own at home using almond oil. This oil is a natural

Health & Medical: Cayenne Pepper Healing

Cayenne Pepper Healing

Cayenne pepper is a red pepper with a kick. It's hot. Cayenne is used in cooking and in alternative medicine. It can even be used for weight loss.

Health & Medical: Possible Causes of Double Vision

Possible Causes of Double Vision

StrabismusStrabismus is an optical disorder which often causes double vision, or the splitting of one clear image into blurry double images. Physical signs of strabismus will usually manifest in early childhood; the key marker for this condition is the unnatural inward and/or outward...

Health & Medical: Phases for Annual Assessment in Core Values

Phases for Annual Assessment in Core Values

The annual assessment of core values aims at measuring the individual performance against the laid down departmental or organization objectives. This individual appraisal is used in identifying outstanding performances for rewards or promotion. Involving and consulting the appraisee during the asses

Health & Medical: How Much Watering Does a Majesty Palm Need?

How Much Watering Does a Majesty Palm Need?

The Ravenea rivularis, commonly referred to as the Majesty Palm, has its roots in the wilds of Madagascar. A tropical plant, this palm tree is sensitive to its environment, which means that a variety of factors can influence the determination of exactly how much watering it needs. Careful observatio

Health & Medical: How to Create & Operate a Health and Safety Policy

How to Create & Operate a Health and Safety Policy

A safety program must involve all levels of management and all areas of the workplace if it is to be successful. Without the involvement of management recommendations, changes will be difficult or impossible to implement. Without the involvement of the average worker, any initiatives will be useless

Health & Medical: Are Dried Fruits as Good as Fresh Fruits?

Are Dried Fruits as Good as Fresh Fruits?

While few things taste as good as fresh fruit in season, dried fruits are also delicious. The nutritional makeup of fresh and dried fruit is slightly different, with dried fruits containing more calories.

Health & Medical: How to Heal a Swollen Face & Lip

How to Heal a Swollen Face & Lip

Whether you are involved in a fight, car accident or just a clumsy fall, you can seriously injure yourself. A swollen face or lip is a common injury you can take care of yourself. Unless you have a major head trauma, concussion, abrasion or cut, it is not necessary to go to an emergency room--the sw

Health & Medical: Coconut Oil for Babies

Coconut Oil for Babies

Coconut oil has been called by many "the healthiest oil in the world." While it was once maligned for its high saturated fat content, recent research indicates that its medium-chain fatty acids and anti-microbial properties actually make it a healthy choice, according to Mark's Daily Apple website.

Health & Medical: Dynacleine Side Effects

Dynacleine Side Effects

Dynacleine is an Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) solution that is used to speed up the recovery process for muscle injuries in racing animals. ATP is a naturally occurring cell material that plays a part in energy transfer. It may be administered via injection to greyhounds or horses, and works to redu

Health & Medical: Sit and Be Fit Exercises

Sit and Be Fit Exercises

Sit and Be Fit is an exercise program and television series developed by Mary Ann Wilson, RN, and broadcast on PBS. All Sit and Be Fit exercises can be done sitting down. For those suffering from fibromyalgia (a chronic condition characterized by debilitating pain), those who have suffered a stroke

Health & Medical: How to Make Herbal Tea With Sage

How to Make Herbal Tea With Sage

Sage is a traditional herbal remedy used to treat several minor ailments. According to the "Physician's Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines," sage can be used to treat digestive problems such as upset stomach and diarrhea, irritation of the throat or gums, and by breastfeeding women to correct an ov

Health & Medical: What Are the Dangers of UV Light?

What Are the Dangers of UV Light?

Ultraviolet light, UV for short, is an often ignored part of the light spectrum, mostly because it is invisible to the naked eye. The short-term dangers of UV exposure are usually fairly minor and merely annoying. However, the long-term dangers of UV light pose a serious risk that all too often ends