Technology: How to Block Nudity Websites

How to Block Nudity Websites

Blocking websites that feature nudity and pornography can be a major concern for households with children. There are several computer programs that utilize parental controls to censor websites inappropriate for children. Following a few basic steps can help safeguard your family from undesired inter

Technology: How to Change the Color of Buddy Icons in Yahoo Messenger

How to Change the Color of Buddy Icons in Yahoo Messenger

Whether you use Yahoo Messenger to chat with family, make new friends or simply keep open to alert you of incoming mail, you can express yourself and your personality to the program's buddy icons. Buddy icons are small, graphical images that appear in the window and in your buddies' windows to repre

Technology: How to Download a Song Playing on a Website

How to Download a Song Playing on a Website

Nowadays, there is plenty of music available for streaming all over the Internet. Even radio stations are offering streaming songs on their websites. There are ways you can record this audio as MP3 and save them on the computer. You can then transfer them to a portable MP3 playing devices or burn th

Technology: Making Money Ideas: Top 5 Crazy Money Making Ideas

Making Money Ideas: Top 5 Crazy Money Making Ideas

Want to know the secret to becoming financially stable? If you're looking to earn some extra cash, all you need to do is turn your computer on and go online. You don't have to go out

Technology: Get The Code, Then Use It

Get The Code, Then Use It

One of the best ways to learn HTML has always been by using other people's code. Find out how you can see the code of a Web page you like and how you can use it to create your own Web pages.

Technology: Twitter: Not A Waste Of Time For Small Business Owners

Twitter: Not A Waste Of Time For Small Business Owners

Social networking has changed the way we do business and the biggest change has been for small business owners. Small businesses usually have one person who makes a great representative for the company in the ...

Technology: Problems to Considering for SEO Consulting

Problems to Considering for SEO Consulting

There are some unique problems of SEO of big brand companies having website more than 10,000 to 15,000 pages. Main problems are explained below: 1. Ineffectual Content Management System (CMS): Main problem is related to ...

Technology: How to Make Facebook Posts Shareable

How to Make Facebook Posts Shareable

Facebook members use the Post feature to connect with friends by sharing status updates, links, photos, videos and questions. Typically, your posts will show up on your friends' walls and News Feeds, which are constantly updated to show posts in real time. Facebook privacy settings allow you to dete

Technology: How Can I Stop People From Hacking My Facebook?

How Can I Stop People From Hacking My Facebook?

If your Facebook account is hacked, it could lead to many other issues. The hacker may send unwanted or inappropriate messages to your Facebook friends or post unwanted messages on your Wall. He could also change or add information or photos you may not want on your account. In some cases, the hacke

Technology: DOM Scripting By Jeremy Keith

DOM Scripting By Jeremy Keith

If you were avoiding JavaScript or eyeing it with skepticism then you should get this book. You'll be pleased to find out how much fun DOM scripting can be, and how you can improve your Web sites without bloating your code or creating inaccessible nightmare pages.

Technology: How to Set Up a Frontier Email Account With Frontiernet Webmail

How to Set Up a Frontier Email Account With Frontiernet Webmail

The Frontier Communications Corporation offers digital phone, digital TV, DSL high-speed Internet and dial-up Internet service to various regions across the United States. In order to create a Frontier email account, you must subscribe to Frontier's Internet service. In addition to acquiring access

Technology: Most Popular Terms in Web Lingo

Most Popular Terms in Web Lingo

Finding legitimate work at home for moms is a difficult task. It takes a lot of time and efforts to find a job that will pay you. There are also several business opportunities for women ...

Technology: How to Take a Screenshot With 2 Monitors

How to Take a Screenshot With 2 Monitors

The Microsoft Windows operating system has built-in support for screen capture using the "Print Screen" button on your PC's keyboard. What many people don't know is that taking a screenshot using this method not only takes a screenshot of your primary display, it also takes a screenshot of every oth

Technology: What Is What Is Twitter Marketing and How Can It Help You?

What Is What Is Twitter Marketing and How Can It Help You?

Twitter is definitely a social media service which thousands of people make use of today. This specific distinct site sharing simple up to one hundred forty personalities at any offered time has actually escalated in ...

Technology: Benefits of Ethical White Hat SEO On-Page Optimization

Benefits of Ethical White Hat SEO On-Page Optimization

There are many advantages of Ethics page SEO optimization. Experts from around the world choose this method of optimization of the page. The reason is that white hat methods of authentic search engine optimization techniques. ...

Technology: How to Block All Pop-ups From Your Computer

How to Block All Pop-ups From Your Computer

Pop-ups can cause many serious computer problems, such as viruses and registry issues. They interrupt our browsing, research work and game play and can become a persistent problem. However, there are ways to fix this and prevent pop-ups, eliminating the hassle. Most computers, in fact, have an easy-

Technology: Designing Twitter Backgrounds

Designing Twitter Backgrounds

There has been a lot of talk in the past few years on the importance of getting into social networking, and most recently into Twitter. While I do believe it helps grow and nuture a ...

Technology: The FBI's Internet Safety Tips

The FBI's Internet Safety Tips

The Internet provides fun and education; however, it also poses safety threats. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provides useful information to help protect adults and children.