- When choosing your password, select a strong password that can't easily be guessed. Choose a password that's at least eight characters long, and try to mix numbers and letters. Passwords that aren't actual words, but instead are meaningless mixes of characters work best -- just make sure it's one you can remember. Don't write your password down anywhere or store it in your phone or computer. Don't use the same password you use for any other account, and change your password often. Type your password into the home page, but nowhere else. Facebook will only ask for your password when you log in to Facebook, but not any other time during your session.
- Don't click any link you aren't sure of, no matter where it came from. Links in messages, chat messages or your news feed may be a hacker's way of phishing for your information, and one click may be all he needs to gain access to your account. If you see a link that you aren't too sure of, ask your friend about it before you click. He may verify the link, or confirm your suspicions that the link is bad. Also, log on to Facebook by typing the website into your browser. Don't click links in emails that say they are from Facebook, even if the email looks legitimate.
- Facebook offers a secure browser version, meaning if you opt to use this feature, other users cannot monitor your activity while you're logged on to the site. To turn secure browsing on, click "Account" at the top-right of your screen, followed by "Account Settings." Scroll down the list until you find "Account Security" and click "Change." Make sure the box next to to "Secure Browsing" is checked, then click "Save." You know you're on a secure browser when the URL of the website begins with "https" so check this often while on Facebook to ensure you are still secure.
- Some precautions you can take begin with your own computer. Make sure you are using the newest available version of your web browser and that you are running security software whenever you are on Facebook.
Clicking Links
Secure Browser
Your Computer