Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Hem Pants While Keeping the Original Bottom

How to Hem Pants While Keeping the Original Bottom

Many people have experienced the frustrating problem of having to buy their jeans and other pants too long, as commercial clothing is not made to fit specific bodies. This generalized sizing has resulted in people roughly cutting their jeans off, ordering expensive custom jeans and even simply weari

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Hanging Snowflake Decorations

How to Make Hanging Snowflake Decorations

You can turn any room into a winter wonderland with easy to make hanging snowflake decorations. These low-cost decorations only require a few minutes of time and some heavy paper. You can use these snowflakes to decorate for holiday parties, classrooms or just to bring a bit of winter inside. By han

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Homemade Guitar With a Shoe Box

How to Make a Homemade Guitar With a Shoe Box

Kids love music, especially when they get to make it themselves. Help your little musicians learn all about the musical arts when you make your own guitar. Make a homemade guitar with a shoe box and a few other simple supplies and your little rock star can play to his heart's content. This craft is

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a T-Shirt Iron-On

How to Make a T-Shirt Iron-On

Making your own T-shirt transfer is easy and allows you to have one-of-a-kind designs. After your shirt is made, you'll want to wash it inside-out to protect the transfer. Before buying the blank transfer sheets, decide whether you want to put the design on a white T-shirt or a colored one -- as the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video: How to Draw Airplanes & Biplanes

Video: How to Draw Airplanes & Biplanes

Video Transcript Hey guys, Chris here and today I'm going to show you how to draw airplanes and bi-planes. I'm going to do the bi-plane first. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to start off here with like and arc that kind of goes up just a little bit. And then it comes back down,...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Add a Logo to a Hat

How to Add a Logo to a Hat

If you are starting a business, organizing a softball team or joining a scout troop (among other things), a logo on a hat is a great way to market your company or show some spirit. In just a few simple steps, you can put your own logo on any type of hat. Adding a logo to a hat can be done in several

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video: Knitting a Hat With Roving for the Accent

Video: Knitting a Hat With Roving for the Accent

Video Transcript Hi I'm Kelly from in Denver, Colorado. I'm going to show you how to knit a hat with roving. To knit a hat with roving as an accent, you can do a method called thrumming where there's a lot of roving on the inside to make it extra warm and fuzzy. To do...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Crochet Beaded Shawls

How to Crochet Beaded Shawls

Adding beads to a crocheted shawl can add a touch of sparkle and elegance to your wardrobe in just a few simple steps. Whether you opt for a classic but glamorous look with matching beads or a more dramatic effect with a contrasting color, your beaded crocheted shawl will become one of your favorite

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Glass Bottle Crafts

Glass Bottle Crafts

Glass bottle crafts make stunning decor items, centerpieces or personalized birthday and holiday gifts. Transform an inexpensive glass bottle into an eye-catching flower vase using simple craft items, or enhance a piece from your antique bottle collection. Customize the glass bottle crafts to reflec

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Bleach Your Cottons With Chlorine Bleach

How to Bleach Your Cottons With Chlorine Bleach

Chlorine bleach is effective to whiten, remove stains and disinfect clothing. Known under brand names such as Clorox or Purex, chlorine bleach is sodium hypochlorite and is not safe for use on colors because it bleaches everything it comes in contact with. Always read the label before you bleach som

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a No-Sew Tutu

How to Make a No-Sew Tutu

Tutus provide hours of fun for your little girls. They are also fun props for photographs, and make great Halloween costume add-ons. Your tutu can be any color you want, and as long and fluffy as you make it. As you get the hang of the technique, you can add embellishments to your tutu, turning your

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Homemade Gazing Ball

Homemade Gazing Ball

Gazing balls are a lovely addition to any garden. Homemade gazing balls can be an inexpensive alternative to store-bought gazing balls. Plus, they are completely customizable with regards to size, color and holders.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Shopping Bag Pattern

How to Make a Shopping Bag Pattern

Make a fashion statement and create a shopping bag with your own shopping bag pattern. Once you've designed a pattern, use it over and over again to make more pretty shopping bags for yourself or to give as gifts to friends and family. Write notes on the patterns how to make other similar patterns f

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Aromatherapy Candle-Making Instructions

Aromatherapy Candle-Making Instructions

Making your own aromatherapy candles allows you to tailor your treatment to your specific ailments or requirements. The essential oils used in aromatherapy have individual properties to aid in relaxation, to ease arthritis pain or to help boost your memory, among many others.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Butterfly Out of Beads

How to Make a Butterfly Out of Beads

While most insects don't commonly inspire works or art or jewelry, butterflies are not only considered one of the most beautiful examples of bugs, but one of the most beautiful things in nature. Recreate this natural beauty using simple wire sculpture filled with delicate glass seed beads. Create ju

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Chemistry of Diamonds

The Chemistry of Diamonds

Diamonds are more than just aesthetic stone used in jewelry adornment. They are highly prized stones that find their way into many different industries, ranging from scientific laboratories, where they may be found in machines that produce lasers, to manufacturing processes for their strength and ha

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Buy Mesos

How to Buy Mesos

If you are a player of the online game Maple Story, you know that it can be tedious to collect the in-game currency, "mesos," yourself. Unless you want to employ illicit hacking techniques that could get your account banned from the game, you may consider buying mesos from a website for a large amou

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Flowers With Suckers

How to Make Flowers With Suckers

Make an edible flower arrangement using suckers and some brightly colored silk petals. Give the arrangement as a gift or use it as a decoration at home or in your workplace. Place the sucker-flowers in a vase and surround them with fake flowers, or create one just to hand to a loved one. For added

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Key Presser With VB

How to Make a Key Presser With VB

You'll need to make a key presser event with Visual BASIC, or VB, if you wish to create a program that responds to keystrokes. You can make your programs respond to key press events using the Control.KeyPress Event, which automatically fires each time a user presses a key. This allows you to create