Health & Medical Anti Aging

Meditation - The Art of Aging Gracefully

Just at the stage where you start figuring things out- who you are, what you want out of life, you begin to notice that you are losing your mind. You gradually tend to become anxious about getting older and become impatient about little aches and pain. To add to this, when you look in the mirror, you not only see just the artificial wrinkles but something deeper and troublesome- the beginning of grouchy and inflexible old bat. More than the anti-aging cream, you certainly need something to reset your mental clock. So why not try something different that will not only make you feel relaxed but also will act as an effective anti-aging solution?

Recent scientific research revealed the wonder of meditation to dramatically slow the aging process. Former President of the American Board of Anti-Aging medicine and various other eminent anti-aging researchers has discovered that periodical deep meditation severely affects the production of three important age-affecting hormones- melatonin, cortisol and DHEA. The consistent practice of meditation is the perfect healing medicine for anti-aging. Meditation offers rejuvenation and healthy living through mind, body and spirit. The use of breath and the natural ability to reduce stress change the body responses in a variety of ways.

One of the first systems to get destroy is the endocrine gland that secretes hormones. Due to the degeneration of endocrine system we deteriorate as we age. Also the immune system of our body follows the function of the endocrine system. Other endocrine glands such as DHEA, melatonin is also vulnerable to aging.

The following discoveries are astonishing:

DHEA is the only hormone that decreases as we grow. It is a powerful anti-aging hormone and is a determinant of our physiological age. It maintains our mood, a stable body fat ratio and a high level of energy.

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, anti-depressant, immunoregulator and an anti-ageing agent. It improves the energy level and prevents cell damage. It is also said to prevent the growth of cancer cell

Meditation increases the production of DHEA by 44 to 90% and melatonin by98 to 300%

Cortisol is a toxin that causes thinning of skin. The cortisol hormone causes inflammation in the body and produce symptoms that occurs with advanced age. Meditation can successfully decreases he production of cortisol by 47%.

Time is rushing and with each passing day, you age. Meditation whether it is Japa meditation, Chakra meditation or meditation music certainly slows down the aging process. Medical mediation is the perfect endocrine exercise and is the easiest form of stress management. There are five unique attributes of mediation âEUR" postures and movement, specific breathing pattern, specific positioning of hands and fingers, particular mantras or sounds and focus of concentration. The combination of these attributes can modify the entire profile of endocrine, hormone secretion and neurotransmitter, helping you for an anti-aging state.

Experts say that it is best to meditate twice a day for 20 minutes:

Go outside where there is ample of space, choose a quiet place. Place your attention on a spot and keep looking on it and focus on your breath. Be aware of the rise and fall of the breath in your chest. Also be conscious of your thoughts, those may come and go but do not judge them.

You can also practice meditation before going to bed. Listen to a nice meditation music that will allow your body to relax so that you can fall into a deep sleep. While meditating, be grateful to the universe for all the beautiful things that happen to you. With a great gratitude, you wake up the next day feeling positive and energised.
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