Health & Medical Body building

Easy Diet to Follow For Building Muscle Quickly

The key to building muscle quickly is your diet.
You really do need to "eat to grow".
It is one of the main reasons why so many trainees make very little progress in their muscle gaining efforts.
They don't eat right or eat enough.
But building muscle quickly through diet always seems highly complicated.
Here I will create one of the easiest diets to serve as a very flexible outline for building muscle quickly.
For this diet you need the following: eggs, bucket of whey protein powder, meat sources, oatmeal, peanut butter.
These are the basics and from here you can basically add whichever carb foods you want or have easy access to.
Morning: 3-6 eggs and oatmeal, 1 tbsp.
of peanut butter.
mid morning: 2 scoops whey protein in water or juice.
Lunch: 1-2 Sandwichs (meat source and bread).
Your "meat source" can be whatever meat you have easiest access to, and this includes tuna or other fish as well.
Other sources for meat are chicken breasts, steak, hamburger, turkey, roast beef etc.
mid afternoon: 2 scoops whey protein in water or juice.
Dinner: Meat source (large serving) with your choice of sides such as potatoes, vegetables, rice.
A classic dinner for building muscle quickly would be chicken breasts with rice.
Late meal: 1-2 scoops of whey or 3-6 eggs, along with oatmeal, 1 tbsp.
of peanut butter.
(the late meal is optional, you may be able to get in enough calories with your other meals, but if not implement a late meal.
) There's a lot of flexibility in meal choices and this reflects everyones own personal access to food, and their own preferences.
The main things you want to take away from diet is: 5-6 "meals", and with each feeding primarily focusing on a protein source as the main aspect, then adding carbs to round out your calorie needs for muscle growth.
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