- 1). Cut your wood planks down to the largest measurement you want your frame to be. For instance, if the largest capacity you want your frame to have is 3 feet by 3 feet, cut the wood planks to 3 feet each.
- 2). Determine the frame sizes that you will use most. Place the four planks together in a square to create each of the sizes, allowing their edges to overlap. Mark the points on all four planks where the pieces overlap to form the required sizes.
- 3). Use a coping saw to cut notches in the wood at each marked point. Ensure that each notch is the same width as the plank of wood that will be inserted into the slot, but keep the notches shallow. About one-half inch deep for each will suffice. This ensures that the corresponding notch will not make the joint unstable, as the joint itself will be shallower than the base plank of wood.
- 4). Sand the entire surface of the planks. Because silk is delicate, any splinters on the wood will snag it. It is important to keep the wood smooth.
- 5). Stretch your panel of silk fabric over the surface of the frame. Secure the fabric to the frame with thumbtacks placed every 4 to 6 inches. Because the wood is soft, you should be able to do this without additional instruments.