Do you know the right way to play hard to get? Do you know how to win at this risky game? Do you want to transform his interest into lasting love? Then you'd better follow these rules, or it may backfire on you.
When you do it properly, playing hard to get can be fun and effective in winning the man of your dreams.
Playing this game of limited availability is really theater at its finest.
It's a show and it's a game, but you still have to keep it real.
Don't make up phony reasons for not getting together, because lies always come back to bite you.
The best advice is not to appear too eager or too delighted to be asked on a date.
Don't call him unless there is a very good reason.
Be available on a certain schedule - like Saturday night for dinner and a movie, and maybe lunch next week after you check your schedule.
Of course, he will have to give you a follow-up call on Tuesday after work to find out if your schedule is open.
Put him on the schedule.
Tell him when he can call, and see how well he responds.
That will tell you if he really is into you.
Hard to get does not mean impossible to get.
You don't want to put him off or make him feel that you are out of his league.
He has your number but hasn't called for three weeks? Sometimes guys are afraid to call a busy, classy lady because they feel that they might be disturbing her at a bad time.
Then, if a couple weeks go by, they feel like they blew it by waiting too long.
Men actually appreciate it when you tell them what night to call.
You can play hard to get and still call him.
You don't "win" the game if you never see him again.
The point is to let him keep chasing you until you catch him.
If he's not chasing you, you have to adjust your strategy.
So call him.
You were just trying to settle a debate with your girlfriend about the rules of pub darts and needed his expertise, or you wanted to make sure that none of his family in his hometown were caught in that flood.
And by the way, did you know that the King Tut tour is coming to the history museum? Doesn't this violate the rules of playing hard to get? No! Losing him violates the rules.
You are still keeping him and yourself on a schedule and limiting your availability.
As things develop, you can still see him often and change the game to "hard to get in your pants.
" Playing hard to get can be an effective way to win a guy - now that you know how to manage your availability without losing his interest.
It is a healthy way to begin a relationship too, because it forces both of you to concentrate on building a strong interpersonal relationship before jumping into the physical relations.
When you do it properly, playing hard to get can be fun and effective in winning the man of your dreams.
Playing this game of limited availability is really theater at its finest.
It's a show and it's a game, but you still have to keep it real.
Don't make up phony reasons for not getting together, because lies always come back to bite you.
The best advice is not to appear too eager or too delighted to be asked on a date.
Don't call him unless there is a very good reason.
Be available on a certain schedule - like Saturday night for dinner and a movie, and maybe lunch next week after you check your schedule.
Of course, he will have to give you a follow-up call on Tuesday after work to find out if your schedule is open.
Put him on the schedule.
Tell him when he can call, and see how well he responds.
That will tell you if he really is into you.
Hard to get does not mean impossible to get.
You don't want to put him off or make him feel that you are out of his league.
He has your number but hasn't called for three weeks? Sometimes guys are afraid to call a busy, classy lady because they feel that they might be disturbing her at a bad time.
Then, if a couple weeks go by, they feel like they blew it by waiting too long.
Men actually appreciate it when you tell them what night to call.
You can play hard to get and still call him.
You don't "win" the game if you never see him again.
The point is to let him keep chasing you until you catch him.
If he's not chasing you, you have to adjust your strategy.
So call him.
You were just trying to settle a debate with your girlfriend about the rules of pub darts and needed his expertise, or you wanted to make sure that none of his family in his hometown were caught in that flood.
And by the way, did you know that the King Tut tour is coming to the history museum? Doesn't this violate the rules of playing hard to get? No! Losing him violates the rules.
You are still keeping him and yourself on a schedule and limiting your availability.
As things develop, you can still see him often and change the game to "hard to get in your pants.
" Playing hard to get can be an effective way to win a guy - now that you know how to manage your availability without losing his interest.
It is a healthy way to begin a relationship too, because it forces both of you to concentrate on building a strong interpersonal relationship before jumping into the physical relations.