- A few chemicals may be used to clean the pan. For light cleaning, a 4-to-1 mixture of water and dish soap works well. For more stubborn, or burnt-on debris a strong parts cleaner may be needed to clean the pan.
- Inside every transmission pan, there is a small magnet to attract all metal shavings away from the moving components inside the transmission. Make certain to remove this magnet and clean it thoroughly.
- Make certain to clean the flat area where the pan gasket sits to ensure a good seal. Using an circular abrasive pad, known as a "cookie," with a high-speed angle grinder works well to clean the debris.
- Never dry the inside of the pan with a cloth, as lint may be left behind to cause damage to the transmission in the future. Lean the pan against a wall, with the inside of the pan facing the wall. This will drain out all of the water and chemicals to allow the pan to dry naturally.
Magnet Cleaning
Gasket Seating