- 1). Fix distorted portions of weatherstripping. If your car window seal has small, distorted sections but is not dried out or decaying, quick repairs are possible. Open the window. Heat a distorted section of the weatherstripping with a heat gun or hair dryer. Reshape by hand. Repeat on any other distorted sections of the weatherstripping until all have been fixed. If there are sections for which this technique does not work, cut weatherstripping with a box cutter and remove bad sections with a pliers. Take care not to damage the window channel. Use the edge of the box cutter razor to remove any remaining small pieces.
- 2). Fix torn and loose sections of weatherstripping. Cover your vehicle seats and carpets to avoid dirt and damage. Clean the underside of the torn or loose weatherstripping and the corresponding sections of the window with alcohol. Clean caulk residue and other dirt and debris from appropriate sections of the window channel with alcohol. Contact with this solvent, however, will dissolve any good caulk remaining in the channel, so use carefully. Avoid using lacquer thinner, xylene, and acetone for cleaning because they can remove paint from channel and body panels. Use a stainless steel brush dipped in solvent to make the channel smooth and free of oil, loose dirt, and contaminants. Wipe channel with a clean cloth. Apply silicone sealant to the underside of the weatherstripping. Press the weatherstripping into place.
- 3). Install weatherstripping where it is missing. Use weatherstripping that matches car make, model, and year. Cut pieces to fit. Use alcohol to clean adhesive from any weatherstripping you will reuse. Clean the window or channel with alcohol. If you are using a new seal kit, be sure to read all the instructions before starting. If both inside and outside weatherstripping are missing, start by installing the outside weatherstripping. Apply sealant to the underside of the weatherstripping and rim of door, if appropriate. Although the adhesive may need to set a few minutes to become tacky, it then forms a strong bond quickly, so be prepared to act swiftly and carefully once the adhesive is ready. Press weatherstripping into place, and make sure it is straight. Smooth it with your fingertips. Apply the inside seal. It may be helpful to use duct tape to hold the rubber strips in place until curing is complete.
- 4). Leave car window and door open until bonding is complete. (See directions included with sealant.)