- 1). Form a boundary for the sidewalk by lining 2-by-4s along the edges. Hammer the metal or wooden stakes into the ground directly against the boards to keep them from slipping.
- 2). Remove any large broken pieces of the sidewalk and put them aside. When you begin to pour your concrete, you will fill these areas in with the new concrete.
- 3). Sweep and mop the sidewalk thoroughly to remove all debris. Ensure that the sidewalk is completely dry before continuing.
- 4). Apply an ample layer of acrylic block fill primer with a paintbrush. Immediately after you apply it, your assistant should use the paint roller to smooth the primer into the pores of the concrete. Give the acrylic block fill primer time to dry according to the manufacturer's directions, which can vary from brand to brand.
- 5). Mix the concrete in small batches according to the manufacturer's directions.
- 6). Pour the mixed concrete over the sidewalk, working from one end to the other. The concrete will flow and level as you go. Be sure to pour plenty of concrete in areas where large broken pieces were, so that the space will be filled.
- 7). Wait three or four days for the concrete to cure properly, per the manufacturer's recommendations, before walking on it.