- 1). Turn off the water supply at the main water supply valve next to your water meter or your shutoff valve. Use an Allen wrench to loosen the setscrew on the faucet handle. Remove the faucet handle, which covers the faucet cap.
- 2). Unscrew the faucet cap, using channel-type pliers. Remove the faucet cap and lift out the parts beneath it, including the faucet cam, cam washer, and the rotating ball. Use a screwdriver to go into the faucet and remove neoprene valve seats and old springs.
- 3). Twist the spout itself upward to remove it. Cut off old O-rings with a utility knife and use heatproof grease to coat the new O-rings. Install new O-rings and reattach the spout.
- 4). Install valve seats and new springs, and place the rotating ball, new cam, and new cam washer into place. Place the lug attached to the cam into the notch on the faucet body. Place the cap in place and reattach the faucet handle. Restore the water supply and turn your faucet on to check for leaks.
- 5). Tighten the parts if necessary.