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Lime buildup can damage industrial pipes.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Suspend molecules in the water and change their identity by reversing polarity through magnetic fields using an electronic water softener. Instead of being attracted to one another, the molecules in the lime will repel the others. This method is used in industrial and commercial applications to protect large boilers from lime buildup. Specialized magnets installed on the outer pipes create the change in properties. Since there are no chemicals needed, this is a good method for green projects. - 2
Limescale leaves a dull and spotted appearance on finishes.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Force an ion exchange through the use of sodium or potassium. Commonly known as water softeners, the water is cycled through the softening resin and exchanges hard water for soft. This is a chemical process that breaks down the minerals contained in the water in exchange for ions of sodium. The molecules of the lime are replaced with the sodium or potassium ions and removes the hardening ions found in lime and other minerals. - 3
Reverse osmosis is good for drinking water.Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Use reverse osmosis for small amounts of water to reduce high levels of nitrate, sulfate and sodium. The movement of water through microscopic filtered membranes flushes out minerals and impurities. Whole house reverse osmosis systems are not normally used because of the large amount of water that has to flow and not all lime is dissipated through the process. This process is good for drinking water.
Water Conditioners