The holidays are just around the corner and you might want to ask yourself, is my home ready? The answer for most of us is probably no.
Even though you take pride in your home and keep it neat and clean for all to enjoy, there are telltale signs of distress lurking in the corners and you probably don't even notice them.
But your guests will.
They're the cracks over your door ways, the water stains from leaks gone dry and the growing gaps that form where your trim mouldings are tearing away from the walls.
Of course, it goes without saying that between working, regular housekeeping, shopping, caring for the kids and everything else that takes up your normal day, most of us don't have the time to think of such repairs let alone do anything about them.
But it could be made easy.
In as little as one day you could have all these problems and more simply vanish! Professional touch up and painting services are ready, willing and available somewhere in your very own neighborhood.
And if you do your homework in selecting the right painter (search for my earlier article, "How to Choose the Right Painting Professional For Your Home Painting Project") you'll find that not only can they make all the flaws disappear, they can isolate the painting to only the surfaces that need repair by matching your existing paint and colour.
So it's fast and saves you money! Just think.
While you're at work or running errands or doing your holiday shopping, cracks are erased, water damage disappears and gaps are filled and gone just like nothing happened.
No one would ever know they were there! Or perhaps a few touch-up repairs aren't enough and you have a more extensive makeover in mind.
There really is no better time to tackle that small home improvement project than during the months of December, January, and February.
Not only is it the best time of the year for deals, but it's also typically easier to schedule your project.
So, whether it's a few touch ups, repainting your kitchen, bathroom, adding some crown moulding to the living and dining room, or some other eyesore you' ve been meaning to get around to, get it off your wish list and start enjoying a Holiday-ready home now.
It makes a wonderful gift for your spouse or family member! Happy Holidays everybody!
Even though you take pride in your home and keep it neat and clean for all to enjoy, there are telltale signs of distress lurking in the corners and you probably don't even notice them.
But your guests will.
They're the cracks over your door ways, the water stains from leaks gone dry and the growing gaps that form where your trim mouldings are tearing away from the walls.
Of course, it goes without saying that between working, regular housekeeping, shopping, caring for the kids and everything else that takes up your normal day, most of us don't have the time to think of such repairs let alone do anything about them.
But it could be made easy.
In as little as one day you could have all these problems and more simply vanish! Professional touch up and painting services are ready, willing and available somewhere in your very own neighborhood.
And if you do your homework in selecting the right painter (search for my earlier article, "How to Choose the Right Painting Professional For Your Home Painting Project") you'll find that not only can they make all the flaws disappear, they can isolate the painting to only the surfaces that need repair by matching your existing paint and colour.
So it's fast and saves you money! Just think.
While you're at work or running errands or doing your holiday shopping, cracks are erased, water damage disappears and gaps are filled and gone just like nothing happened.
No one would ever know they were there! Or perhaps a few touch-up repairs aren't enough and you have a more extensive makeover in mind.
There really is no better time to tackle that small home improvement project than during the months of December, January, and February.
Not only is it the best time of the year for deals, but it's also typically easier to schedule your project.
So, whether it's a few touch ups, repainting your kitchen, bathroom, adding some crown moulding to the living and dining room, or some other eyesore you' ve been meaning to get around to, get it off your wish list and start enjoying a Holiday-ready home now.
It makes a wonderful gift for your spouse or family member! Happy Holidays everybody!