- Interior designers work with light and texture to create innovative designs.interior stairwell image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Individuals interested in interior design can take online courses to begin a career as a designer. Few accredited interior design colleges offer online degrees or certificates in this field, but those that do tend to offer extensive course and degree options able to meet the needs of most students. - The Harrington College of Design in Chicago provides one of the more extensive offerings of online degree programs for would-be interior designers. Harrington offers entry-level design degrees at the Associate and Bachelor's levels for those who intend on breaking into the field. For interior designers who wish to apply for senior level positions or enhance their own skills, Harrington offers a Master of Arts in Interior Design. A second master's degree, a Master of Interior Design, is available as well. Associate degree courses include studies in Programming for Interior Design and Architectural Detailing and Construction. Bachelor's degree courses include additional studies in business practice and portfolio development. The Master's degree programs tend to be more project and research-oriented courses. Coursework focuses on design process and theory.
Harrington College of Design
200 W. Madison Street, 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
interiordesign.edu - Westwood College also offers online accredited studies in interior design. Westwood offers an online Bachelor's degree in the interior design field. The school emphasizes studies that can prepare students for careers as not only designers, but also as a showroom manager or a drafter. Much of the curriculum focuses on the use of computer aided drafting, which gives students a technical level of knowledge that can translate into various career options. As part of the curriculum of the program, students learn to plan interior spaces, design commercial interiors, select proper lighting, decorate residential interiors, recognize basic theories of design and how to implement them and how to use computer technology to help visualize and review digital designs.
Westwood College
100 Spring Street, Suite 102
Atlanta, GA 30309
westwood.edu - Thanks to the innovation of online education, students in interior design need not take classes only from schools located in the U.S. Instead, in an artistic field like interior design, students can benefit greatly from learning from an international perspective. Limpert's Academy of Design in Dublin, Ireland, provides one option for online students to do so. The school has an established reputation and is accredited by multiple agencies, such as the International Federation of Interior Architects/Interior Designers (IFI) and the British Interior Design Association. Students at Limpert's Academy can obtain a certificate in the field, a diploma or a bachelor's degree.
Limperts Academy of Design
Block D, Unit 14
Nutgrove Office Park
Nutgrove Avenue
Dublin 14
Harrington College of Design
Westwood College
Limpert's Academy of Design