- 1). Tape the perimeter of the area on the wall with painter's tape. Prime the area with the latex primer and a foam paint roller. Let the primer dry.
- 2). Decide on a color for the paint. Most home improvement stores sell basic black and dark green colors of chalkboard paint. Making chalkboard paint allows you to customize your color and create a chalkboard that is bright pink, blue, or even purple.
- 3). Measure one cup of latex paint into a bowl. Martha Stewart recommends using flat latex paint. Carefully mix two tablespoons of unsanded grout into the paint using a paint stick until they become smooth.
- 4). Apply the mixed paint to the wall with a foam paint roller. Allow the paint to dry completely.
- 5). Lightly sand the chalkboard with fine grit sandpaper to remove any small bumps. Wipe away the dust with a damp cloth.
- 6). Condition the chalkboard by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk along the entire surface of the chalkboard. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the chalk before use.