Health & Medical Lose Weight

An Overview of the Red Wine Diet

Love drinking wine? Want to lose weight? Then the Red Wine Diet is for you! Thoroughly crafted and researched by Roger Corder of the Royal London School of Medicine, alongside William Harvey Research Institute, this diet deviates from the usual weight loss trends by emphasizing healthy living through red wine.
Weight loss is just one of the numerous benefits provided by indulging in drinking the wine during meals.
Deeply rooted in scientific facts, it gives you the assurance that this is not another one of those crazy diets that try to mix indulgence with minimal effort.
The Red Wine Diet works by having about two glasses of drinks per night--though others suggest a bottle of red this alcoholic beverage per day is needed if they intend to use it for cooking.
Start by eliminating starch or protein for two whole weeks save for berries, pomegranates, walnuts, apples, and lots of greens.
Aside from this beverage, these all contain heart-loving organic chemicals which can also be found in dark chocolate.
Once two weeks have passed, gradually introduce protein through lean meats.
Remember that intake of food which is low in fat is still the best way to go, so try to incorporate this in the diet as much as you can.
The constant presence of the drink will prevent the feeling of deprivation throughout all the stages; it will only make you feel like you're giving in to guilt-free indulgence.
With the Red Wine Diet, you won't need to starve yourself anymore.
Apart from eating the right food, Corder suggests that you get a minimum of sixty minutes of exercise every day, more if needed.
As with any other diet, the balance of physical activity and a proper diet is necessary for weight loss, particularly when done one a regular basis throughout your life.
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