Health & Medical Lose Weight

How Can A Baby Learning To Walk Help You Lose Fat?

Last Fall my daughter took her first steps.
It was October to be exact.
We were playing outside and I set her down in front of me and she took a few steps.
I followed her very closely to keep her confidence up, and she took a few more steps.
Some people don't believe me because I was the only one there at the time and my wife was kind of disappointed because she missed Maren's first steps.
It didn't help my case that she didn't take another step on her own for about a month and a half.
Then she started to wobble a little bit more on her own and now, 7 months later, she is running everywhere.
She loves to run around out side.
She loves to carry things around.
She loves to hold a phone up to her ear and walk around and "talk".
It's the cutest thing you've ever seen.
But she didn't get to this point easily.
She fell...
a lot.
She still falls...
a lot.
But she's gotten much better at walking/running, but it wasn't the easiest thing in the world for her.
The same can be said when it comes to changing your eating or exercise habits.
You know what you want to do and you have a goal you want to reach, but you've got to take "baby steps" in order to achieve that goal.
No one should even let it cross their minds that they're going to eat perfectly and exercise everyday of the week when they don't exercise at all now and have horrible eating habits.
That's just plain dumb.
Not only that, but it sets you up for failure and a quick failure at that.
You have to take things one step at a time and build on each little success until you find yourself running rather than wobbling around barely able to walk.
Let's say that you have a soda drinking problem, in addition to a lot of other poor eating habits.
You should first conquer the soda drinking and totally cut that out or relegate it to a "reward meal".
Once you have that habit down, THEN you can start on another habit.
But don't move on until you have successfully kicked the soda drinking habit.
Or, let's say that you like to eat a lot of junk food between supper and bedtime.
You should get that under control before you even worry about the snacks available in the breakroom.
The same correlation can be made with exercise.
If you are totally new to exercise, you should start small.
Start by setting an appointment with yourself when you're going to workout.
Once you get that going, then progress from there.
Taking these "baby steps" when it comes to fat loss will greatly increase your chances of success.
It does because if you only focus on 1 or 2 things rather than your entire lifestyle, it makes it much easier to conquer each poor habit and replace it with a good habit.
You just keep putting one foot in front of the other and pretty soon you'll notice that your clothes are fitting better, people are taking notice of how much different you look and you'll find yourself with more energy than you thought possible.
So what are your baby steps?What can you work on RIGHT NOW to help you lose fat?Do you need to cut out drinking soda or coffee drinks?Do you need to cut out the nightly glasses of wine or beer?Do you need to make appointments with yourself or a personal trainer to make yourself workout?Do you need to get a hold of a good fitness program to get you started? What is it?Figure it out and do it.
Then after a few weeks when you've got that one habit down, pick the next one and just keep building.
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