- 1). Utilize iCal. This application comes standard with most Mac devices, including the iTouch (generations 2 and 3). Give yourself an excuse to toss your old date book and pen with iCal's versatile features that allow you to schedule your hectic life with a few clicks on a keyboard. With iCal, you can also set up individual color-coded calenders to keep your meetings separated from your kids' soccer practices. There are a number of different alarms you can set up as well to remind yourself of everything you have coming up in between your busy daily routine.
- 2). Use the Notes application. This will quickly become your best friend when you can't reach for a pencil and paper to jot down that important phone number. It's also a great way to store mental notes and reminders to yourself to come back to at a later date.
- 3). Set up your Mail accounts. This application comes with your iTouch, and with good reason: You can connect to free Wi-Fi anywhere you go with your iTouch, so why not have the capability to access your e-mail? Whether you have a personal Gmail or Hotmail account, you can link them to the Mail app to receive updates from wherever you may be. Think of it as Apple's take on Outlook Express, in a miniature form on your iTouch.
- 4). Visit the App Store. Under the Productivity category, you can find a number of number of applications to help you turn your iTouch into a virtual planner. The best part about it is you can find great apps for free and, as long as you plan your memory space accordingly, you can download as many as you need.