Health & Medical Anti Aging

Best Gradual sunless tanning lotion?

More Sunless Tanning questions please visit :

Best foundation for olive / sunburn skin tones?
Hello everyone - I need your help! My question are - 1. What is the best foundation for olive / tan skin tones? 2. What is the best blusher shade / brand for olive - tan skin tones? 3. What is the best lipstick shade /...

Best Gradual sunless tanning lotion?
You know like Jergens, which is the best for fair skin and would you recommend using it? Thanks! JERGENS GRADUAL SUNNLESS TANNER! I similar to Johnstone's holiday skin. I know it's not everyone's favourite but if u use the stuff for normal-darker skin n put on a tiny...

Best Gradual Tan for balanced skin?
Does anyone know which gradual fake tan is the best to use on unprejudiced skin? And also looks the most natural? Thanks :) try the tanning/lotion isle they have them cheap surrounded by drugstores and pick 'n save

Best Gradual Tan for Fair Skin?
Does anyone know which gradual fake tan is the best to use on tolerant skin? And also looks the most natural? Thanks :) Sun I'm pale as a vision normally, so I use things that are really light. Sunlight isn't the best for neutral skin, makes you...

Best gradual tanning body lotion for paleish skin?
I have read sooo many reviews on gradual tanners. And everybody only says different things. Does anyone know of a gradual tanning lotion that looks natural (not a orangey colour or streaky). Any recommendation on the best one? I would say my skin coulring would be pale...

Best hairdye color for suntan brown skin?
i have naturally gloom brown curlyhair>>my skin is tan brown like egyptian color and i own wide big dark almond eyes> any philosophy?i was thinking about honey brown? Copper will be good. ok very well i wouldnt go for blond, red, or anything super light....

Best Indoor Tanning Bronzer for Fair Skin Male?
I've been looking at designer skin but there's so many to choose from. I enjoy fair skin, so... any help? Moisturizing body lotions that include a mild self tanner are meek enough that you can use them daily as a substitute for a regular body lotion. The...

Best indoor tanning lotion for acne prone skin w/ SPF?
Hi! I have a very momentous event in about a month. However, I own some moderate back acne. (I know...gross!) I was wondering if here is an indoor tanning lotion specifically designed for acne prone skin with sunscreen...or just a lotion that won't increase the...

Best indoor tanning lotion for medium-pale skin?
I dont have milky-pale skin but it is fair and I started going to the tanning bed after not going since September. I be using Speed of Light and now I want to try something different, but I don't want to get super night. Suggestions? Also, I don't...

Best Indoor Tanning lotion for waxen skin?
I would like to know what types of indoor tanning lotion you guys use if you have semi faded skin. not self tanning lotion.. your help is appreciated! Jergen's Natural Glow Tanning lotions are meant to allow your skin to inherently absorb what it needs to provide...

Best indoor tanning lotion for with ease golden/olive skin which tans effortlessly?
I like using indoor lotions when I lay out outdoors & only use sun blind on my face. In advanced, anyone who warns me around skin cancer thanks for caring but i really dont "bake" or lay out for out of the...

Best inherent homemade remedies for tanning of skin?
best natural homemade remedies for tanning of skin? i have be playing tennis for a month now in the sun. i dont use sunscreen but i am going to soon. but my give somebody the third degree is that i have tanned a great deal and...

Best instrument to sunburn if your dim skinned?
Im fair skinned and seem to spend a fortune on falsified tans, but now the summer's here Id love a real one, however I burn smoothly. Iv always figured that I of late 'dont tan' as I have never had a genuine one. I am pale skinned,...

Best lotion for indoor tanning.designer skin?
I was wondering everyones personal preference on indoor tanning lotion.i know that designer skin is biddable..has anyone used Worship Me by Designer Skin?What is your favorite? i use lotions with tingle, and i really similar to designer skin. all thier lotions are good but bombshell is my favorite. vibe...

Best makeup for brunette next to golden eyes, and a tiny bit of freckles, and suntan skin?
any suggestions? i have big eyes too. is black eyeliner too much with the black mascara? i dont want my eyes to stand out too much. i imply my eyes arnt giganto, they are meadium size. pleaze help!!...

Best matte BRONZER for milieu suntan,asian skin.?
Matte is horrible for your skin. It clogs pores ! ahh and your soubriquet is a joke right? That is disturbing.. laguna bronzer from NARS and i forget the from smashbox and is matte, kim kardashian using it Hahahaah Steph's answer made me laugh. But...

Best mode for unbiased skin to win a raw looking sunburn?
I'm extremely pale, and recently dyed my hackle from brown to black. I've always wanted a sunburn, but I never have the time to tan, and seeing that I'm fifteen, I can't drive to a place next to a tanning bed. I've tried...

Best Nail polish colour to bring out golden-brown skin?
Thanks =] I would use a nice gold, copper, or bronze color. It works nice beside a medium to dark suntan. good luck. coral white french manicure neon pink fire engine red red next to flecks of gold shimmer black will look fine as...

Best Outdoor Tanning Lotion For Fair Skinned?
i have tried the sunless tanning, and it doesnt work so well for me. i also plan on wearing sunscreen while outside lay out. i am kind of inbetween skin type II and III. my sunburns have never be severe and never hurt and once burned it turns...

Best product to take brilliant but fighting fit looking skin? (great tanning products)?
I'm not looking to become an oompa loompa, so pure orange is out of the question, hehe (: but i've tried moisterising sunburn but it just looks streaky. I have really wan skin, and dark circles and i just look unhygienic. Some...

Best replicated suntan for wan skin?
I use Jergens inborn glow cream. It doesn't cause abundantly of streaking and if you use it right you don't end up orange. Hey within, being a red head and near for extremely pale myself, I think the best point to do is actually go into a salon...

Best self everlasting tanner on chalky, weak skin?
whats the best self tanner that will stay for a while and won't come off in the shower. i enjoy very pale skin well its not gonna be permanent newly get a lotion or moisturizer with a bit of sunless tanner but youll still have...

Best self tanner for carnival skin? do you recommend the spray sunburn or lotion? why? also, mention the price and?
place can buy it. thanks. how do you apply it on back? Estee Lauder sunless sunburn lotion and face cream. Spreads evenly and gives you a in good health un orange colour. Buy...

Best self tanner for event skin?
I'm blonde haired, blue eyed, and freckly. I can't be outside a mere two minutes in the sun without getting burned... I've tried everything within stores, resulting in orange, streaky skin. And tinted lotions and "glows" that are supposed to darken over time wouldn't show anything!...

Best self tanner for fare skin?
My main concern is streaking. And that it doesn't look too orangey. Oh, and tips for applying it? victorias undeclared bare bronze. it is spectacular, and you can get anything skin tone you prefer or have. its varies surrounded by price from about 10-25 and its just great....

BEST self tanner for fête skin?
I'm trying to find a gradual self-tanner that works in less than a week, but does NOT variety you ORANGE, yellow, streaky, etc. I'm very fair-skinned, and I want a discernible bronze-ish tan that doesn't fade too fast. What should I use? baby grease My fav is the...

Best self tanner for impartial skin?
i have verrrrry light skin,usually that doesnt bother me but while i be shopping i saw my legs under the harsh store lights and almost burst into tears bc i never notice you can see some veins through my skin because im so light. so ego like to get...
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