Technology Networking & Internet

The Top 6 Reasons You Are Failing 'The Final Matrix' MLM System

1st Reason:You are using your referral link to try and recruit people.
Every time I do a bit of searching on Facebook or YouTube, I always come across online marketers promoting The Final Matrix with a little generic crappy ad with their referral link at the bottom. Is this how you found The Final Matrix? Is this who you would join under? Of course you wouldn't. You referral link is like a disease to other online marketers and they are going to avoid your link like the plague.

2nd Reason:You aren't offering any value to them.
Think back to the day you found out about The Final Matrix. 99% of people that were curious enough to take a look will dig a little deeper than what you have told them and usually will head straight to Google to see what's on offer. Your little ad or video telling them about the compensation plan holds almost no value at all except the knowledge that the program exists. Whilst I'm here I'd better thank you for that, Thanks!

3rd Reason:Your upline and/or sponsor.
I am emailed nearly everyday from people asking how they can join my team because they are sick of their sponsor or upline not giving any real help. Don't worry about your upline/sponsors feelings in any MLM business opportunity. If you aren't receiving the proper help with your marketing techniques and the strategies that you should be using, dump their sorry ass and find someone that will. When I first started in MLM a while back, the best advice I got from my upline was to place tons of classified ads. I didn't know any better so away I went. Of course I failed, and being in the position I am in now, I can't believe that people are still getting similar advice.

4th Reason:You!
Me? Yes you! If you are really serious about making money online and filling your downline, you must have the right attitude and work ethics to make it work. An hour a day isn't going to do it. You have to be realistic about what's possible with the amount of time that you are going to commit. You want The Final Matrix to replace your current income, right? You want to quit your job and work from home? Well, you are going to have to put in a lot of your time, well, at least at the start and until your downline(s) are complete. If you can't do that, then quit. Sorry to be so blunt but you need to hear it. If you don't have the commitment or just can't get the time to be on your computer, YOU WILL FAIL. 97% of online marketers fail and 97% also make excuses. As a sponsor of a few really committed Final Matrix members, I make sure to give these people as much guidance and help as I can. An active committed member is worth more than 10,000 members who do nothing and quit. Be one of those people.

5th Reason:A lack of marketing training.
If you think you understand what online marketing is about and you know what the correct techniques are to market The Final Matrix business opportunity, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't be reading this article. I still get emails from people looking to join The Final Matrix asking me to fill their downlines, if you can believe that! These people aren't worth training as they just don't have the mindset to build an online business. Little tricks and tips that you have picked up so far whilst you have been online marketing obviously aren't working for you. And though these may seem fantastic at the time, they just simply aren't working and don't give people what they need to hear or see. As I say in Reason 1, since I stopped posting my referral link, recruiting people is so much easier. And this is an example of the correct training required.

6th Reason:The team you have joined.
OK, this is really a no brainer, but there are some people who just look for the guy or girl with the "proof of income" videos and reputation of "being the best". The biggest problem with joining a team with these leaders is that their reputation and "income proof" videos aren't going to help you build your downline. I'm approached all the time with people wanting to join me after their "top dog sponsor" was offering nothing to them. Like they thought that their sponsor was going to fill their matrix for them with spillover or something. What you need from your team is friendly help, a real training site, your referral link available for future prospects to possibly join you and good search engine rankings to secure traffic. If these aren't available to you, then how are you going to succeed?

I'm sorry that I haven't given you full solutions to these 6 reasons why you are failing in The Final Matrix but you can ask my team members don't have these issues anymore. If you fail to act on what you have read here today, then you have no-one to blame but yourself.
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