Technology Software

Video: How to Make a Quarter Fold Microsoft Word Document

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Josiah Rea. I'm going to show you how to make a quarter fold document in Microsoft Word. So the first thing we're going to do is come up and insert a table and let's make this four squares so you know, four squares we're cutting into four parts. Let's move the table up into the far upper right portion of the corner and let's make it kind of squarish and let's take a look at the layout and it says the width is 4.3 and the height is 3. something so we're going to make them the same. So let's say 4.3, alright, unfortunately, that did not do exactly what I wanted it to do because I didn't have the full table selected. So it's very important to keep in mind if you don't have the full table selected it's only going to change the cell that you are in. So we're going to undo that and come up to this little move cursor and select the whole table and change the entire table to 4.3. Alright, and there you go. That's the basis of your four fold card. I hope you've enjoyed this video on how to make this document in Word. If you have any other questions, please contact me at Josiah at I'm Josiah Rea.
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