- 1). Open Publisher 2010, click "File" and then click "New."
- 2). Click "Business Cards" from the "Available Templates" page. Find this below the "Most Popular" section of the page. The installed and online business card templates appear on the screen. Browse through the selection until you find the one you wish to use. Then click the template.
- 3). Select the desired color scheme, fonts and page size for your business card. Click to select or deselect the "Include Logo" check box. Then click "Create" to open the business card using your selected options.
- 4). Customize the business card. Click the placeholder text and then type your own information into the field. Another option is to click "File," "Info" and "Edit Business Information" to customize this information to meet your needs. To make additional changes to the colors, fonts and other page-related setting, click "File," "Info" and "Commercial Print Settings." You also may format your card to fit a particular brand of business card paper by clicking "Size" from the "Page Design" tab, "More Preset Page Sizes" and selecting the paper manufacturer from the list. You then select the desired page size and click "OK."
- 5). Insert your company logo, if desired. Double-click the generic logo placeholder slowly, pausing briefly between clicks to bring up the "Insert Picture" dialog box. Alternatively, you can click the "Insert" tab and select the "Picture" option. Navigate to the folder containing your logo, and then double-click the image to insert the logo into your business card. Publisher automatically adjusts the logo to fit into the predetermined space within the card.
- 6). Save your business card to the desired folder location.
- 1). Turn on your printer if you have not already done so.
- 2). Open your business card using Publisher 2010.
- 3). Click "File," and then click "Print."
- 4). Select the desired printer from the list of available printers. Select "One Page Per Sheet" to print one card per page, or select "Multiple Copies Per Page" to print more than one business card per page. Select the number of business cards you wish to print under "Copies of Each Page."
- 5). Click "Print." You can print up to 10 cards per page depending on the type of paper you use.
Create Business Card
Print Business Cards