Technology Software

Best Social Networking Apps

Social Networking is everywhere, nearly everyone uses it in some form or the other. Smartphones and mobile applications have taken Social Networking to a whole new level. The growth of smartphones has led to everyone being socially connected with each other even when they are not sitting on their laptops or desktops. There is a specialized app for every social network that anyone might possible use, so no matter which social network you use, you can be connected to it 24/7 using your smartphone.

Here is a list of the some Social apps that have had a huge impact on the Social media world as a whole.


€Selfie€ was named as the word of the year by the Oxford Dictionary. This pretty much sums up the level of impact photographs have had on social media world and on the internet as a whole. Instagram has totally changed the way we take and share photographs on our phone. It is a fast, simple and quite a fun way of sharing photographs with the world. Just like any other Social media network you can follow people and get followed by those who like you. Click it, apply filter, and share across your network, as simple as that. You can even share it on other social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.

WhatsApp Messenger:

A couple of years ago another one in the line of new innovations was Whatsapp messenger. Just like Instagram this too has completely changed the whole outlook of social media and messaging. It is has the highest number of active members and is recently acquired by Facebook. It is a cross-platform messenger which sends messages in real-time. You can even send audio, video, pictures, and map locations using it; all that totally free of cost.


The €Selfie€ revolution is not complete without including Snapchat in this list. Although criticized initially, this app became very popular as a quick way to send spontaneous photographs to friends. The photographs are viewable for only 10 seconds and then it disappears from existence.


A social media countdown cannot be completed without Facebook in it. It is still the world's most popular social network to stay connected with friends. The latest smartphone updates have really improved the overall user experience and made it one of the best overall smartphone apps.


Google has made sure that it is not left behind in this Social revolution we are going through. The recent update of the Google+ app is neat, and had a lot of features that cannot be found in any other social app. With Hangout you can video chat with like 9 people all at once, and if you don't like videos, well texting is quite efficient too.


Pintrest has gained a lot of attention in a past few years. With this app you can find the things you love and pin it on your virtual board and finally share it with the world. You can even upload the pins and put them on your board. You can even follow the people or the boards you like.

Some other honorable mentions which just missed out this list are,

€ Twitter or

€ LikedIn

€ Tumblr

€ Foursquare

€ Vine

€ Spotify
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