Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Choose Masculinity Not Conformity

A few weeks ago I was at a family gathering and I saw something that disturbed me.
My 6 year old nephew was wearing skinny jeans.
Some of you might be thinking, so what? So what is that a little kid is being forced into conformity before he even reaches puberty.
Today's males have lost their balls and have forgotten what it means to be men.
Social norms say that skinny jeans are just an expression of fashion and no big deal.
Wrong! It is a big deal because it shows that men have not only lost their masculinity they have lost their minds literally.
Common sense is not common.
It is truer today than it has ever been.
When I first noticed the trend of the skinny jeaners start to rise, I thought oh no not another one.
By that I mean this isn't the first time that men and boys have tricked into thinking that a feminine style is cool.
When I was in high school, long tees were all the rage.
These things were dresses in disguise.
They went past your knees and almost touched the floor.
People choose to wear these clothes and act a certain way because of something called conformity.
It is easier to conform to what everyone around you is doing instead of thinking for yourself.
I choose not to wear skinny jeans and I'm much happier with myself because I didn't conform.
But the kids that are in junior high and high school have much more pressure to give in.
This is the time that you are supposed to "fit in" and not go against the norm.
They are also trying to find themselves and don't have a lot of life experience yet.
So they choose to "fit in.
" I see teenagers rocking this look all the time.
First of all those things look like it hurts your you-know-what.
But what comes along with this thinking that wearing essentially tights, is that you start to lose your masculinity.
In school boys are taught to sit still and raise your hand if you want to talk.
They are taught rules that suppress their inner nature.
The clothes are just the icing on the cake.
I've talked to and heard about so many guys that have problems with women.
Some of them wear skinny jeans and some them don't.
But the sad truth is that they both have lost their masculine power.
Women do not like feminine males.
Read that again.
These males have all kinds of problems with women, confidence, self-esteem and so on and so forth.
The culture that they are raised in conditions them to believe that women are Goddesses that must bowed down to and praised.
I'm not saying that women and men shouldn't have equal rights, women and men should be paid the same amount of money if they do the same job.
What I am saying is that although women deserve equal rights, we are not the same.
Biologically women's inner nature is to receive and be nurturing.
Men's inner nature is to be aggressive and to be a go getter.
The roles have not disappeared, they have been reversed.
Men act like women(skinny jeans) and women act like men(business woman).
But the truth is that even a business woman will bow down to a real man.
And what is a real man? A man who is masculine, a leader, aggressive, assertive, decisive, action taker, etc.
Even the women who you think can't ever be submissive, they will submit in the presence of a real man.
A man who hasn't conformed to society's way of being.
Men who say screw the social norm, I'm reclaiming my rights as a man! This is why so many generation Y or millennials have trouble in the dating game.
This is why they are so low in supply for confidence and masculinity.
They have been taught to suppress their true nature.
My 6 year old nephew will grow with low self-esteem, low self-worth, and low self-confidence because he will be exposed to an environment that betrays him.
And then he'll wonder why he doesn't believe in himself.
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