Business & Finance Blogging

Most Popular Styles for Your Blog Posts

My readers often ask me what type of posts are most popular and best to use so I thought it would make sense to discuss some of the most popular styles.
In the end, content is what the Internet is all about and for your site to become a success you need to offer added value to your audience through good, solid, preferably original, content.
Furthermore, you need to add new content on a regular basis to make your audience keep coming back for more and keep your site fresh and up-to-date (and the search engines love regular new and fresh content as well which is very important).
When you start writing content you can chose several types of posts.
I will discuss some of the more popular and interesting types.
* The "How to...
" articles are always very popular as these address key problems and Tips & Tricks that people are interested in and are actually actively searching for.
Having a site on computers you could e.
discuss "how to change your video settings".
On my site I e.
discuss "How to start a website".
Through these topics you can also offer e.
interesting eBooks.
* Another great, popular type of posts are the "Review" articles.
In these articles you are reviewing a product, be it a new camera or a new book.
Often people thinking about buying some of these products themselves are searching the internet for a good review before buying these products.
Besides potentially getting paid for writing these reviews on your site (sign-up at sites like SponsoredReviews) it also offers the opportunity for affiliate income (offering these products on your site through affiliate links).
* Across the internet people are also always looking for "Lists" like the "top 10 best MMORPG games" or the "top 25 best board games".
On my site you can for example find a list with some of the "Top WordPress plugins".
Lists also are great from a search engine perspective while also giving you the ability to monetize these pretty well through ads and affiliate marketing.
* Having "News" content on your site usually works wonders as well as people are always looking for the latest news on a variety of topics and its keep's your site fresh and "new" as well.
Only make sure that if you play the news angle, you need to keep the news flow going or else your site might look outdated.
* Original content is always a great traffic generator and probably one of the best ways to generate original content is doing "Interviews".
Perform interviews with interesting people in the area your site is all about.
Putting in interesting interviews on your site now and then can do wonders for your traffic and readership.
* Lastly, and becoming increasingly popular are "Multimedia Items" like clips and video's on the topic your site is all about.
Besides giving a great look to your site it will also keep it different and potentially more interactive, while personal video's also gives you the opportunity to bond and build a relationship with your audience.
Note that all or most of the above discussed types of posts are clearly bringing value, answers and/or solutions to your readers which is a key characteristic of attractive, great content.
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