Although it is always in January or February, the Chinese New Year does not fall on the same date each year. This year Chinese New Year is on Thursday, February 19, 2015. It is the Year of the Sheep. If you're curious about the various animals and the years they represent the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar are explained well here.
Firecracker Ceremony & Cultural Festival
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Where: from 11 a.m.
- 3:30 p.m. in Roosevelt Park (between Grand & Hester Streets)
The firecracker detonation, with expected attendance by local politicians and community leaders, is intended to ward off evil spirits. A large stage will feature all-day cultural performances by traditional and contemporary Asian-American singers and dancers. Plus, a dozen lion, dragon and unicorn dance troupes will march through Chinatown’s main streets, including Mott Street, the Bowery, East Broadway, Bayard Street, Elizabeth Street and Pell Street.
Photos:Firecracker Ceremony Photos
16th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade & Festival
The parade usually winds throughout Chinatown down Mott, along East Broadway, up Eldridge Street to Forsyth.
Time: Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 1 p.m.
Begins: Mott/Hester Streets
The spectacle features elaborate floats, marching bands, lion and dragon dances galore, Asian musicians, magicians, acrobats and procession by local organizations. Over 5,000 people are expected to march in the parade, which will start at Mott Street and promenade through practically every street in of Chinatown, finally dispersing at Broome/Forsyth. The parade is expected to conclude at 3 pm, at which time an outdoor cultural festival will take place in Sara D. Roosevelt Park featuring more performances by musicians, dancers and martial artists.
Photos:Chinese Lunar New Year Parade Photos
Chinese Lunar New Year In Flushing, Queens's Queens Guide, John Roleke, has all the essential information about Chinese Lunar New Year events in Queens -- including the dragon parade, Lunar New Year festival and more.
More:Chinese New Year Activities and Events