Health & Medical Lose Weight

Losing Fat From Your Tummy

The key to achieving this sexy 'model' look is to shed the fat (particularly to lose a fat tummy) and then replace some of the weight you've lost with muscle. In fact, putting on 5 lbs. of muscle can actually create the illusion of you being thinner.

You cannot decide to lose fat JUST from your belly. If you want to lose belly fat, you either decide to lose fat from everywhere, or lose fat from nowhere.
It is entirely possible to lose approximately 18lbs in 30 days from your body by combining a bunch of useful tricks involving diet, strategic exercise, supplements, and managing your hormone levels.

Some of this fat WILL be coming off your stomach. In fact, you only need to lose 1-2 lbs. of fat from you belly to notice inches of difference in your waistline. Then, the trick to keeping the rest of your body in proportion, and to achieve the bikini-model look, is to put on between 5-9lbs of muscle.

This is important. You do not want you to waste your energy and time trying to only lose belly fat. It will only lead to frustration. Instead, focus on losing fat over your entire body, and then work on putting on a bit of muscle to regain your curves in all the right places.

Making small changes to your eating habits will be very beneficial.

The fat on your belly is unique in that it is there as a quick and efficient storage site for energy (fat). It is highly sensitive to stress, exercise and starvation, and this makes it your bodies first choice when it comes to laying down fat. It does not respond to mainstream weight loss diets that focus on exercise and calorie reduction, and in this way you will never lose tummy fat.
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