The legendary search for the fountain of youth is all that it is -- legendary.
Beauty experts and cosmetic companies have devoted thorough and continuing research on the best creams, powders, serums and chemicals that can help keep our skin-- the most visible and exposed organ in the human body-- from looking its actual age. It may prove successful for the many who have engaged in a great deal of beauty regimens and practices, including botox and surgery, but the fact remains that our body ages. All we can do is to keep it from looking and feeling old. Growing old is something everybody and everything just cannot avoid.
What many people ought to know though is that keeping our body and skin looking and feeling young need not be complicated. More importantly, it need not be expensive or invasive, it need not be chemical or synthetic.
Staying young and looking ten or even twenty years younger than our actual age, involves keeping our skin moisturized and our body detoxified. The best anti-aging techniques involve adopting a healthy and stress free lifestyle.
Lay off those synthetic and chemically produced moisturizers. Go natural and save up on your budget. The best moisturizer and anti-aging substance on earth is nothing but water. Just as a plant droops, dries and dies without water, so does our body which is made up of 3/4 water. Make sure you replenish fluids lost by drinking the popularly prescribed eight glasses of water per day or even more.
Drinking water is the best way to keep your skin moisturized from the inside out. Keeping our skin moisturized helps it retain its suppleness, preventing wrinkles and crows feet which can be exacerbated by dryness.
Water likewise flushes out free radicals and toxins from the body mainly through urine and perspiration. Keeping our body clean keeps it young.
Another good way to detoxify our body and maintain its youth is to eat fruits and vegetables. Not only are these rich in much needed vitamins, it is also rich in fiber. Vitamins C and A are known to protect our skin from free radicals while Vitamin E helps keep our skin looking young. Tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit are vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables.
Look for Vitamin A in squash, carrots, papayas and mangoes as well as in green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce. Eggplants, nuts and vegetable oils on the other hand are great Vitamin E sources.
Lastly, adopt a stress free lifestyle. This may sound impossible in the fast paced world we now live in, but its not. Make a habit of inculcating a good number of stress releasing activities in your day. Take a leisurely walk home from work. Give yourself the luxury of taking long warm baths in the tub while listening to soothing music or watch a relaxing feel-good movie. If you can, allow yourself a visit to the gym at least twice a week,
Enroll in yoga and meditation classes or you can even get yourself involved in a new hobby like pottery, handicrafts, quilting and jewelry making. These not only help keep your mind off the stress of your work but helps in fostering your creativity and passion, another way to keep you and your body glowing and thus looking and feeling youthful.
Beauty experts and cosmetic companies have devoted thorough and continuing research on the best creams, powders, serums and chemicals that can help keep our skin-- the most visible and exposed organ in the human body-- from looking its actual age. It may prove successful for the many who have engaged in a great deal of beauty regimens and practices, including botox and surgery, but the fact remains that our body ages. All we can do is to keep it from looking and feeling old. Growing old is something everybody and everything just cannot avoid.
What many people ought to know though is that keeping our body and skin looking and feeling young need not be complicated. More importantly, it need not be expensive or invasive, it need not be chemical or synthetic.
Staying young and looking ten or even twenty years younger than our actual age, involves keeping our skin moisturized and our body detoxified. The best anti-aging techniques involve adopting a healthy and stress free lifestyle.
Lay off those synthetic and chemically produced moisturizers. Go natural and save up on your budget. The best moisturizer and anti-aging substance on earth is nothing but water. Just as a plant droops, dries and dies without water, so does our body which is made up of 3/4 water. Make sure you replenish fluids lost by drinking the popularly prescribed eight glasses of water per day or even more.
Drinking water is the best way to keep your skin moisturized from the inside out. Keeping our skin moisturized helps it retain its suppleness, preventing wrinkles and crows feet which can be exacerbated by dryness.
Water likewise flushes out free radicals and toxins from the body mainly through urine and perspiration. Keeping our body clean keeps it young.
Another good way to detoxify our body and maintain its youth is to eat fruits and vegetables. Not only are these rich in much needed vitamins, it is also rich in fiber. Vitamins C and A are known to protect our skin from free radicals while Vitamin E helps keep our skin looking young. Tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit are vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables.
Look for Vitamin A in squash, carrots, papayas and mangoes as well as in green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce. Eggplants, nuts and vegetable oils on the other hand are great Vitamin E sources.
Lastly, adopt a stress free lifestyle. This may sound impossible in the fast paced world we now live in, but its not. Make a habit of inculcating a good number of stress releasing activities in your day. Take a leisurely walk home from work. Give yourself the luxury of taking long warm baths in the tub while listening to soothing music or watch a relaxing feel-good movie. If you can, allow yourself a visit to the gym at least twice a week,
Enroll in yoga and meditation classes or you can even get yourself involved in a new hobby like pottery, handicrafts, quilting and jewelry making. These not only help keep your mind off the stress of your work but helps in fostering your creativity and passion, another way to keep you and your body glowing and thus looking and feeling youthful.