Are you one of the millions of Americans looking for love online? Are you hoping Mr.
or Ms.
Right pops up on the screen and sweeps you off your feet? Are you also confused, wondering what dating site to join? Should you pay a fee? Does this mean the quality of "fish" in the sea is better? Not necessarily, so hold on to that debit card until you are done reading this article.
Yes, there is the old addage, "You get what you pay for.
" And believe me, this is true when it comes to steak and wine.
However, this is not always the case when it comes to dating.
Some of these dating sites charge you out the, well, you know.
Of course you get the comfort of knowing that everyone has to fill out the same profile you do, and that they have to post a profile picture so you know what you are getting.
And of course you have to provide your credit or debit card information online.
UH! Okay, so here is where your level of comfort with these paid sites might end.
let's have fun for a minute and play devil's advocate.
Let's take a good long look at the benefits of free sites.
Why pay to find that special someone when there are hundreds of free sites lingering around cyberspace? Many of these free sites require members to fill out a profile before they can begin hunting for that special someone.
In fact, there is even a chemistry test people have to take which helps the free site narrow down the number of members you might be attracted to.
How is this any different from the paid sites? Oh yeah, that's right.
You don't have to pay anything.
Let's move on to the profile picture.
Some will argue that being forced to post a picture somehow makes you more legitimate.
This is a bunch of poppycock.
Yes, I said poppycock.
A picture is just that--a picture.
It doesn't mean it is the person who paid the membership bill.
So just because the free sites do not necessarily require a profile picture is no reason to worry about its members.
Can we say fraud? It happens in all walks of life.
You might as well get it for free.
Let's address the credit card information.
How comfortable do you feel giving your credit or debit card information online? Yes, everything is supposed to be protected these days, however, it doesn't mean it is.
If you can get the same benefits without having to give away your financial info, why not take advantage of it? One more myth to disspell.
Some will say that those who join the paid sites are more serious and less likely to play games.
This is just not true.
Here is the fact: the paid sites want you to believe they do more for you so you will pay the membership fee.
The cold hard truth is...
people are people.
If they are going to play games, they will do it whether they pay money for it or not.
Here is a quick recap.
Free dating sites do not require any money or credit card information, they ask for the same profile and chemistry tests as paid sites and they actually have more members because there is no cost involved.
You simply need to use the same common sense and caution you use on an everyday basis.
or Ms.
Right pops up on the screen and sweeps you off your feet? Are you also confused, wondering what dating site to join? Should you pay a fee? Does this mean the quality of "fish" in the sea is better? Not necessarily, so hold on to that debit card until you are done reading this article.
Yes, there is the old addage, "You get what you pay for.
" And believe me, this is true when it comes to steak and wine.
However, this is not always the case when it comes to dating.
Some of these dating sites charge you out the, well, you know.
Of course you get the comfort of knowing that everyone has to fill out the same profile you do, and that they have to post a profile picture so you know what you are getting.
And of course you have to provide your credit or debit card information online.
UH! Okay, so here is where your level of comfort with these paid sites might end.
let's have fun for a minute and play devil's advocate.
Let's take a good long look at the benefits of free sites.
Why pay to find that special someone when there are hundreds of free sites lingering around cyberspace? Many of these free sites require members to fill out a profile before they can begin hunting for that special someone.
In fact, there is even a chemistry test people have to take which helps the free site narrow down the number of members you might be attracted to.
How is this any different from the paid sites? Oh yeah, that's right.
You don't have to pay anything.
Let's move on to the profile picture.
Some will argue that being forced to post a picture somehow makes you more legitimate.
This is a bunch of poppycock.
Yes, I said poppycock.
A picture is just that--a picture.
It doesn't mean it is the person who paid the membership bill.
So just because the free sites do not necessarily require a profile picture is no reason to worry about its members.
Can we say fraud? It happens in all walks of life.
You might as well get it for free.
Let's address the credit card information.
How comfortable do you feel giving your credit or debit card information online? Yes, everything is supposed to be protected these days, however, it doesn't mean it is.
If you can get the same benefits without having to give away your financial info, why not take advantage of it? One more myth to disspell.
Some will say that those who join the paid sites are more serious and less likely to play games.
This is just not true.
Here is the fact: the paid sites want you to believe they do more for you so you will pay the membership fee.
The cold hard truth is...
people are people.
If they are going to play games, they will do it whether they pay money for it or not.
Here is a quick recap.
Free dating sites do not require any money or credit card information, they ask for the same profile and chemistry tests as paid sites and they actually have more members because there is no cost involved.
You simply need to use the same common sense and caution you use on an everyday basis.