Health & Medical Lose Weight

Don"t "Go On" a Diet!

Don't go on diets! If you go ona diet, you will at some point go off the diet, and that's not the point of going on a diet.
I just read about this woman, she lost a lot of pounds! In 12 weeks she just ripped her self, her body fat was 27% and at the end of the 12 weeks she was down at 17%.
I have never personally seen anyone do that, ever! Well she lost a lot of fat and got ripped, so now what? She was thrilled, and thought she could go back to the old lifestyle, which was the thing that made her overweight.
She did go back to her old lifestyle, and she gained weight AGAIN! It's pretty simple actually, think about it for a while: If you go on a diet, then you have to go off a diet! If your changing your lifestyle, you're actually changing you're lifestyle! So, instead of go on a diet, and then go off a diet, just change you're style! I know that the word lifestyle is a big word, and contains your whole life.
But, if you want to have success and lose weight, then you have to do it! I know that it's hard, but really, you have to! If you go on a diet, there is only 5% there is going to have success, and this is the actually average number! If you're not ready to change your life, then wait! Just wait, It's not healthy to live the yo-yo style! (yo-yo style: lose weight, gain weight, lose weight, gain weight etc.
) Good luck,
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