Look a woman is not going to run up to you and tell you that she likes you.
Neither are you going to run over to her and spill your guts.
The reality is we all fear rejection, the thought that you really like someone and they may not like you is horrid.
There is no doubt that men can be somewhat more obvious when they like a girl, you know we got a lot of stuff to hide which can pop up at the most awkward of times.
That said guys just tend to be more obvious.
Women are not as forthright.
They tend to play their cards close to their chest.
Along with this women can make things a little confusing for a guy at times.
The good news is that there are ways that you can cut through the crap.
If a woman asks you direct personal questions, then she is interested in you.
I was with a girl recently and my phone started to ring and she asked me if that was my girlfriend.
This was an indirect way for her to find out if I was single.
Girls do not want to know you are single unless they want to figure out if you are available for them.
When if you are talking with a girl she sits up and pays attention to what you are saying and engages in the conversation then she is interested.
When people are interested they immediately sit up or get close to make sure they know what is being said or to see what is going on.
If she hangs around and try's to keep the conversation going even when it is beginning to slide then you can rest assured that she wants to stay in your company.
To conclude girls can be subtle in how they show their interest, but if you miss these subtle signs then I have bad news for you, you will have just wasted an opportunity to be with that girl.
Neither are you going to run over to her and spill your guts.
The reality is we all fear rejection, the thought that you really like someone and they may not like you is horrid.
There is no doubt that men can be somewhat more obvious when they like a girl, you know we got a lot of stuff to hide which can pop up at the most awkward of times.
That said guys just tend to be more obvious.
Women are not as forthright.
They tend to play their cards close to their chest.
Along with this women can make things a little confusing for a guy at times.
The good news is that there are ways that you can cut through the crap.
If a woman asks you direct personal questions, then she is interested in you.
I was with a girl recently and my phone started to ring and she asked me if that was my girlfriend.
This was an indirect way for her to find out if I was single.
Girls do not want to know you are single unless they want to figure out if you are available for them.
When if you are talking with a girl she sits up and pays attention to what you are saying and engages in the conversation then she is interested.
When people are interested they immediately sit up or get close to make sure they know what is being said or to see what is going on.
If she hangs around and try's to keep the conversation going even when it is beginning to slide then you can rest assured that she wants to stay in your company.
To conclude girls can be subtle in how they show their interest, but if you miss these subtle signs then I have bad news for you, you will have just wasted an opportunity to be with that girl.