Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Does Cardio Really Boost Your Metabolism? How Does It Work?

The core of your cardiovascular system is your heart and lungs.
Your heart and lungs are the driving force of your cardiovascular system, think of them as the engine.
By performing cardiovascular exercises on a regular basis you are strengthening your heart and lungs, giving them more power and allowing them to run more smoothly and efficiently.
A regular cardiovascular program will also increase stamina and yes, your metabolism.
By boosting your metabolism you will have increased energy levels throughout the day and your body will burn more calories on it's own.
Think of your cardiovascular training as power lifting for the heart and lungs! Just as you need to keep the rest of the muscles in your body strengthened for optimal health, even more importantly you need to do the same for your heart and lungs.
The only way to strengthen these muscles is through cardiovascular training program.
Not only does this strengthen your heart and lungs it also forces a lot of extra oxygen into the blood stream and through your body, then your whole entire body reaps the benefits.
You will burn more calories and significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.
A regular exercise program will also significantly reduce and in many cases reverse several other diseases related to lack of exercise and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Cardiovascular training alone is not going to give you optimal health.
It should be combined with a strength training program, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
When you do all these things you can't help but to add some YEARS on to your life! I'll leave you with this.
Do you want to be a lean mean fat burning machine? Then, BE ONE! Do you want to add some years to your life? Then JUST DO IT! It's only as hard as YOU make it.
Do you have more questions about cardiovascular exercise? Get them answered and get my new EBOOK absolutely FREE! Go to [http://www.
com/] TODAY!
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