Health & Medical sports & Exercise

An Intellectual Exercise Routine

I am an avid learner and I am constantly looking for ways that I can read and learn more.
So, over the summer I decided to incorporate learning into my exercise to make it a more "intellectual exercise routine.
"At the present time this is becoming more and more possible.
There are currently a number of interesting learning options available in audio format.
And, with digital players it is possible to carry days (literally) worth of learning material on a device smaller than a credit card.
When deciding what audio to incorporate into my intellectual exercise routine, I settled on a set of audio courses called The Modern Scholar series.
I had also used these in commuting.
They offer one primary advantage in that the lecture divisions are thirty minutes, so they fit well even into a relatively short exercise routine.
The other benefit is that it is possible to get these courses very cheap, though they normally run around $70.
These courses allow a great deal of variety to an intellectual exercise routine as there are courses ranging from History to Music, Science, Religion and more.
They have afforded me the opportunity to learn about areas that I am interested in but may not have had time to study otherwise.
For instance, I did a course on the History of Ideas called Ideas That Shaped Mankind.
I have used quite a number of these courses now and this was probably the best.
I was able to learn about the ideas that may have been present in human prehistory all the way up to current postmodern thinking all while cycling.
If you are like me and you are constantly looking for ways to learn more, I would definitely recommend that you give these courses a chance.
Or, develop your own routine.
Perhaps you want to learn a new language.
Exercising is a great time to do this.
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