Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Have You Ever Heard of the Newest Trend in Fitness Called Tactical Fitness?

Tactical fitness is strategically and tactically conditioning your body to be healthy and fit.
You are creating your body to become more than just functionally fit.
You are creating and conditioning your body to become ultimately fit.
In tactical fitness, you are: * strengthening your muscles to become strong- not bulky and puffy * decompressing your joints to recover and reload itself to become mobile and loose * conditioning your neurological system to become incrementally fit * training your entire body to become agile, fit, and strong.
Tactical fitness maximizes your body's fitness potential: * not by overworking it * not by doing the same repetitious and unproductive routine * not by restricting you to use gym equipments or any special equipments * not by unnecessarily bulking it up.
Based on the six degrees of freedom, the Tacfit Commando system utilizes these six types of movements and motions: 1) Heaving 2) Surging 3) Swaying 4) Yawing 5) Pitching 6) Rolling Each of the exercises are based on each of these type of movement which will maximize the fitness gain of your body without overworking the joints and limbs.
If you just did heaving type of motions which is moving in an up and down motion, you are neglecting the other five motions.
You can wear your joints out and make your neurological system stale and bland since it is not creatively learning movements.
Currently, I am actively involved with the Tacfit Commando system.
I have benefited immensely.
* My strength has gone up in other areas of my fitness.
For example, I can do more pull-ups even though I have not done one since I started in this program.
* My joints are loose and fresh.
They are mobile and agile.
* My neurological system is creatively learning new movements in a systematic and effective way.
* My flexibility has been increasing substantially from the yoga movements during the program.
* I do not spend too much time exercising.
I have been doing quality exercise movements and recovery routines that are direct but effective.
* I look forward to the workouts and routines.
I learn something new every time.
How about your fitness? Learn more about Tacfit Commando fitness to empower yourself to achieve optimal physical fitness.
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