Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Make Natural Bows & Arrows

    How to Make Natural Bows and Arrows

    • 1). Seek out a piece of wood to be used for your bow. If you are in the wilderness, this will most likely be a stick. Make sure the wood is flexible. Good choices of wood are juniper, mulberry, shafts of bamboo, or cane. Make sure that no matter what wood you choose, it is not too thick. It is best that this wood be dry and dead, but not dilapidated (unless you use bamboo, in which case you'll choose young bamboo that can bend).

    • 2). Look for the natural curve of the stick. It may be slight, but it will be there. This will be important when carving out the bow and stringing it.

    • 3). Use a knife to ensure that both ends of your bow are roughly the same size, since most sticks have a thicker end. On the thicker end of your bow, shave off wood until it is about the same thickness as the thinner end. You will want to make sure that the wood you shave off is on the inside of the natural curve of the wood. Pretend it is already a bow and that the curve is the bend of your bow. You want to shave wood off the side that is facing behind you. If both ends of the stick are the same thickness, you may need to shave some wood off both ends.

    • 4). Ensure that the center of your stick is thicker than the two ends. This is the reason why you may need to shave both ends of the stick, just to ensure you have a strong center surrounded by two thinner, more flexible ends.

    • 5). Cut notches into the ends of the bow so that you will have a place for your string. Measure about 1-2 inches from each end of your bow. This should be where you put your notches. The notches should be made on the outside of the stick's natural curve. Make the notches roughly the shape of a half moon to ensure the string holds in the groove.

    • 6). Attach the bow string to your bow. Several materials can be used for this, including hemp cord, fishing line, or rawhide. If you are lost in the wilderness and have none of these, you can use vines, sinew, or strands of silk from caterpillars. If unable to find any of these, you may need to search around for a suitable alternative. Make sure the string is not stretchy, as this will diminish its power.

    • 7). Find sticks to use as arrows. These sticks should be strong, dry, dead, and as straight as possible. Green sticks can be used if necessary, but must be laid out to dry naturally in the sun before being used. Ensure the sticks are only about half the size of the bow. The arrows need to be long enough to stretch your bowstring all the way back.

    • 8). Construct your arrows. Use your knife to whittle the stick smooth. If your stick isn't completely straight, you can hold it over a fire (careful not to burn the stick) then hold it straight after removing it while it cools. Carve a notch out at one end of the stick to hold the bowstring. Also carve a pointed edge on the end of your stick without the notch.

    • 9). Hold the pointed end of your stick over a fire to harden your arrow end, once again making sure not to burn the stick.

    • 10

      Attempt to find bird feathers. They will greatly increase your aim and flight. If you have anything that can be used to stick the feathers to the notched end of the arrow (glue), do so. If not, split the back of the arrow with your knife, insert the feathers, and then wrap it with a thin thread, which you can get off your own clothing if necessary.

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